The lies infuriate me, despite all my best efforts to distance myself. There has to come a point where we as a country say: no more! This is not a partisan issue. This rots the fabric of our society. No more! The microphones get turned off. No more lies, and no more "sane-washing" the lies. We are in very dangerous terrain at present, and we need to stop and agree: no more lies. The damage that has been done is deep already. I am saddened and angered and incredulous, all at the same time. No more!

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Can't Mr Waltz just start every response to a lie with variations of "That's a lie, here's the truth:" Remember Reagan, hailed as a great communicator, used to respond with a smile, saying "There you go again!" Most Americans knows the truth, but some prefer to believe lies. Mr. Walz should do what he excels at - firmly believing in and speaking directly to the inherent common sense, good-heartedness, and faith in the future held by most American people! One thing the older generation can share with younger people now is that America has been through some really tough s*** before and we survived it. We will survive this, and together we will fight to accomplish the most important goals for the future. As always, we're going to do our best for the sake of our kids, our grandkids, and their descendants. They deserve our very best! It might help if people watch the debate online so they can comment in real time by supporting truth or challenging lies.

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I agree that every lie will need to be fact checked and, on top of that Mr. Walz should continue (addressing the people behind the camera): ... "and let me tell you what behind this lie is and WHAT they are actually doing (pull a veil over their eyes, manipulating them into believing they are fighting for the people when in fact - this is what they are trying to do)"

I think it has to be addressed straight to the watchers (not to the moderators ).

This platform is an amazing chance to address both sides at the same time (for whomever is watching)

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Well, that point hasn't come, alas.

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“following a dictum I heard from my long-time friend and colleague Dan Rather: **The job of a journalist is to get as close to the truth as is humanly possible.”**

Your column is the best takedown of truth vs lies and how media has allowed itself to violate its own integrity.

It’s a mess. I don’t recognize most of the outlets that used to adhere to what would be considered normal (good or bad news) reporting. Many are just giving us (and I’ll say it) their interpretation and brainwashing in hopes of swaying the election - but mostly to confuse the readership. (An autocratic ploy) They have sold their souls for bullsh!+.

So infuriating. I’m grateful for your journalistic creds and being on Substack where we can reach you and others.

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Regardless of whether they are bullied, the news media have a responsibility to tell the truth and expose lies.

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I agree but much of journalism, for the past decade, has failed in this responsibility.

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It is called Reliable Media

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Sep 30Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Dear Elliot, I sincerely hope you are wrong about Maga lies winning the debate.I have confidence in Tim Walz' ability to challenge Vance, just as Kamala did Trump, even without fact-checking by the moderators.

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I agree Elaine. I guess my point was less winning the debate than winning the terms under which the debate is being conducted and the larger implications of a cowardly press. But yes. I think Walz will let that upstart JD have it tomorrow

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I wonder about the how and why of journalistic standards changing over time. In the early 1060s I majored in journalism at KU for a while. What I was taught bears little resemblance to the journalism I see today. Thank you for being a holdout for the previous professional values and thank you for brightening my days with your wise and insightful essays.

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Elaine meant 1960s, not 1060s.

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True, I am clueless about journalistic ethics in 1060s.

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It is dangerous, I agree. I think they may be trying to ensure that Vance can't say 'three against one', like Trump did. Also, they aren't muting the mic's.

The good news is I've heard that Pete Buttigieg is prepping Walz.

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Yes, Pete is good and he's been practicing on Fox.

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Watching a debate with a Trump candidate where the network won’t fact check is just dumb. Vance had said he lies to get his message to the people. Anything said and how the candidates seem/perform will be rerun again and again afterwards, so why give CBS the ratings? Walz is a champion of decency, Vance is an appalling person. That’s really all there is to know.

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Thanks for reminding us events said he uses outrageous lies to attract attention to issues. I bet Trump gave him that tip on using lies as bombs to grab media attention. Lol

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Vance not "events"

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What an absolute disappointment that fact checking will not be done in real time. They might as well not bother at all.,

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Perhaps the moderators will have the integrity to fact check in spite of CNNs choice.

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Sep 30Liked by Elliot Kirschner

CBS caved on behalf of American journalism, I think. Precedent matters, especially in Trump’s world of escaping by exception, loophole, a one-off that is the precedent.

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WHAT??? Honestly, I don't understand what you mean. It seems to me, my fellow octogenarian, that to put forth brave standards would better serve American journalism than "caving" does. I wish you had time to respond. I really don't understand. (Just to be clear, I, too, am an octogenarian... first time I've used that fancy descriptive for myself!!!)

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Sep 30Liked by Elliot Kirschner

The moderators should draft four “do not go there” statements that outline debate responses that are unmitigated lies, and invoke stern fact checking Vance tries to promote one.

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I couldn’t agree more. I remember the time of integrity that you referenced, This was when stations saw the news as a public service that they were responsible to provide, The news was. not dependent on advertising dollars and they felt a moral and ethical responsibility to relay facts and if they got it wrong would issue a retraction/correction. I read today that Kris Kristofferson passed away, Such a talent. He along with Tito Jackson, Maggie Smith, James Earl Jones, Shannen Doherty, and Bob Newhart have passed away. So did broadcasters Charles Osgood and Phil Donahue, fashion designer Roberto Cavalli, and producer Roger Corman. These were people that mainly I was first exposed to in my teens and became emotionally connected to. It feels like my tribe is ending. Young people who were never exposed to Edward R Murrow, Walter Cronkite, Harry Reasoner, Dan Rather, Barbara Walters, and Nora Ephron and that generation of anchors/writers don’t know that integrity and honesty was the norm and any who deviated was called out and rebuked, I watched Ellen DeGeneres’s new special and was deeply saddened to see how mean spirited articles designed just to get likes and money really hurt and harmed a good person. Her performance was memorable and wonderful and now she gets to leave own terms, but she should have never been exposed to the hurtful hateful accusations that somehow cancelled a long and kind career, Her ability to find the humor, love for herself, and for her fellow humans is an example to all of what we all should be. There will always be narcissists and sociopaths, but we cannot normalize it and any station that lets lies go unchecked is abandoning their civic duty, grossly irresponsible , and is contributing to the demise of democracy, Hopefully, Congress will put laws in place that prohibit telling lies, defaming anyones character, country of origin, or the variation of normal that they were born with,

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Mr. Walz; don’t do it! Refuse to show up for the debate under those rules! Demand the safe harbor of the truth or it won’t be a debate, just like the last couple of presidential candidate meeting weren’t debates.

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No, Walz should be there and should have the opportunity to refute the lies. He's perfectly capable of doing that.

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Thank you, Elliot. It was the outright lies spewing from CNN, my once favorite news channel, that so angered me I had my cable disconnected May. 2023. I will still listen to the debate Tuesday as I want to hear Tim Walz.

But mainstream media should seriously consider one undeniable fact: Robert Reich in a recent post stated there were 70 million, died in the wool MAGA cultisits . In a Country of 345+ million people that leaves 275 million of us, or 25% of them to 75% of us.

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We should be used to lies - Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon lied to us about Vietnam, George Bush, Dick Chaney and Colin Powell lied to us about Iraq but this guy lies about everything. Even inconsequential things and so does his scion, JD Vance. So I am not going to watch the debate. I don’t think Tim Walz is Presidential material ( God help us) and JD Vance is beyond the Pale but these guys are natural successors to that Office and that I cannot believe. The damage to the American political system by one man and one man alone is more than this system can take. And we fool ourselves if we think otherwise.

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The former president is a modern day carnival barker, a realityTV con man who produced his very own long-run "West Wing" drama paid for by taxpayers and ending in a made-for-TV insurrection on Jan 6, a machismo cartoon bully who uses insults, derision, and outrageous promises that only the most gullible or uneducated believe. Vance is a conniving puppet with his eye on the Oval office in less than 4 years. They feel like fearless, dominant alpha males until they face the people who channel the awesome power of free minds and joyful hearts. I am with Tim.

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After reading the first few paragraphs. I mean what can go wrong.yeah it sounds like a dog and pony show with no guard rails.we know that there is already one that admits to creating stories .how many people are going to stick around to hear the comments afterwards. Going to finish reading your post now.

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‘Our ability to decipher truth will affect the nature of the ideal State, morality and the good life…’ ~Plato

It made such a difference when Lindsey Davis and David Muir of ABC did fact check Trump. It is mind numbing to watch such distortion unchecked, not to mention frustrating and exhausting.

It is a moral failure, as well as constitutional failure, and abdication of the purpose and responsibility of a free press as you have pointed out so clearly…and it will not only lead to the failure of democracy, but if Plato is right, if left unchecked long enough, it will lead to the inability of every one of us to lead a life of decency…

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Trump has proven himself to be masterful in the manipulation of a free press. He has overcome the power of the press with his favorite catch phrase “fake news”. In a country that in its very core upholds the free press, this man has denigrated one of our most sacred protections, the right to the truth.

His tactics have been so successful that when the moderators had the audacity to fact check his most outrageous lies ABC was silent. Why were they afraid to stand up to him? My guess is after ten years of his bullying and threats they were afraid.

His lies and scare tactics have now brought CBS to its knees. They are afraid to fact check the Vice Presidential debate leaving it up to the participants to fact check. Wouldn’t it be better to have a non participant monitoring the debate.

We are witnessing the erosion of democracy in real time as our sources of information have been compromised bit by bit. And truth has become a matter of opinion.

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Truth is neither opinion or perception, it is fact. That’s the problem Trump has blurred so it means nothing.

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Let's hang onto truth as a matter of perception not as opinion. 70 million MAGAS perceive Trump like he wants them to - as a savior of their bank accounts, or their political or religious beliefs. Their opinions of him are set. He's gained male voters as he amps up men's uncertainties about the strength and intelligence of women leaders. He has lost some supporters because pretty much every time he opens his mouth, he impeaches himself in one way or another. Too many of his base are haters, destroying themselves with the poison of hate.

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