So powerful! Worthy ruminations of this historic time and space.

“For while we have our eyes on the future, history has its eyes on us.” - Amanda Gorman


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No photo I've ever seen has impacted me as much as this one.

This photo by Todd Heimsler captures the essence of what her election would mean to all young girls showing anything is possible for them.

Beautiful image.

And by the way, to all Republicans: Kamala's name is pronounced “Comma La”. It’s pretty simple. Get it right!

That's why I have this " , la " t-shirt 👇 🤣


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Aug 27·edited Aug 27

Mr. Kirschner, this is one of your finest pieces yet. When I saw the photograph, I, too, was reminded of Norman Rockwell's painting, still powerful and valid even 60 years later.

I also would like to add that your easy provision on how to correctly pronounce Kamala's name was very, very helpful. You see, I am deaf. In my mind, I had been mispronuncing it. Now I know, and have corrected myself as not to unintentionally embarrass myself when I speak her name, or worst, have others think that I am a Trump supporter. Thank you.

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As long as you are not a tRump supporter and sharing your hearing loss., you pronounce it as best you can . I would certainly understand!! Thank you for being here!!

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Aug 27Liked by Elliot Kirschner

I wonder if the girls in the Eckfort photo would look back at horror for how they acted or are the same 80+ year old woman.

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Aug 27Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Jonathan, thank you for the link. This is the type of news that most people rarely see. The consequences of our actions follow us all our lives.

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Aug 27Liked by Elliot Kirschner

So beautifully put, Elliot--thank you! I had already seen the photo, but you put into words how I felt about it. Norman Rockwell's painting is one of his most powerful, and a wonderful contrast. As for the hate-filled faces behind Elizabeth Eckford, I can only hope that they are ashamed of their past behavior, if they are even still living. And I love that you ended on such a positive note: LOVE that photo of Barack and the little boy! Altogether well done. Thank you!!

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Aug 27Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Thank you for this beautiful collection of powerful images, Elliot. I hope you and yours are well.

I also fervently pray that a sister picture of a little girl watching VP Harris get sworn as President of the United States in is taken.

(Dang, someone is cutting onions around here again.)

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Thank you for sharing those images – they opened the grieving in my heart for all those who are not treated as people. We are all God‘s children. The resilience of black women is historic and braver than brave.

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It reminds me of the picture of the little girl gazing up at Michelle Obama’s portrait as First Lady in the White House.

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Thank you Elliot for sharing these historic images. They are a reminder of progress made and the shame of America that we still have hatefiĺled bigots among us. Certainly thought provoking photographs.

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Aug 27Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Beautiful post, thank you!

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Aug 27·edited Aug 28Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Thank you, Elliot, for this very moving column. I love these pictures. I recall the horrors of desegregating the schools. I moved to the States in December of 1958. Being born and raised in Canada it was difficult for me to understand the hatred of people because their skin was darker. I guess I've been fortunate, people are always people to me. Some good, some okay, and some really bad. But it has never mattered what their outward appearance is. When I think of bad people a few names come to mind, trump, putin, kim, erdogan, xi. But they are bad because of what they do and think, not how they look.

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Aug 27Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Dear Elliot, thank you for such a beautifully written acknowledgement of the challenge we face in eliminating hate and the moving expression of hope you so rightly invest us in that love will prevail.

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Aug 27Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Made me cry! Just like I did when President Obama was sworn in. Such a proud moment for our country, followed by one of the darkest times, but I see the light at the end of the tunnel…it sure is sweet!

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Aug 27Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Thank you man! you really know how to draw on empathy...well I am a woman, wife, mother...but you do a damn good job being a white man...lol Great article!

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lol, Marg :) Thanks.

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Aug 27Liked by Elliot Kirschner

You hit it out of the ball park again ! The morning pundits are getting to me - everything has been said but not everyone has said it. Your fresh prospective is inspirational in the afternoon. All these years punctuated with photos like the ones you used, Ruby Bridges to Barak Obama ! I lived through them but I did not live in them as our black brothers and sisters did. I hope we are seeing a new day. We have lived with this ugliness long enough

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Aug 27Liked by Elliot Kirschner

That Little Rock photo always makes me physically ill. Those awful faces.

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Aug 27Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Elliot, Thank-you! Awesome article, with love and compassion! Amen!!

Irene Z. Shields

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