Sometimes I just sit silently and wonder if the rest of the free world realizes that there are so many of us grieving a loss just as hurtful and heartbreaking as if it were a loved one, and in so many ways it is. I think of my father who proudly served in the Pacific Theater in WWII. I think of his taking the GI bill, going to college as the first in his family and then putting his three children through as well. I wince when I think of that legacy in this much danger. I look at people who would kiss the ring just to save their career, their standing in social circles and how it may inconvenience them. And then I think about the real patriots some 250 years ago who were ready to lay down their lives to be free of a King lording over them. They were ready to die for this dream called America. Were this only about a politician I strongly disagreed with, that would be one thing. But this is about someone wanting to destroy it all only to be able to tell his insatiable ego “We did it”. That’s it. That’s all this is about for him. What hurts the most is that those who also gave an oath to protect and defend America are this willing to break it

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Very touching observations. I would love to wake up and realise it was all a nightmare! Unfortunately: no such luck.

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Too true. What’s more, these Senators already have a gazillion times more power and wealth than anyone needs, already. It doesn’t even make sense for them to want more. The only way to make sense of it, I suppose, is to realize that no amount of wealth or power will ever be ‘enough’ for them. A totally absurd and self-defeating exercise, courting the destruction of the world in the service of utter absurdity. A nightmare. We must all VOTE and GOTV and kick the seditionist MAGA GOP out of power!!!

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Jun 14·edited Jun 14

Hi Elliot, reading your words evokes so much sadness and disappointment. That the evolution of our kind is so faulted by ignorance and fear that we create such damaged beings as Trump and those who have surrendered their integrity and agency to him, or at least what he represents. To be wise, kind, loving, patient, strong and courageous; these are just a few of the qualities that we can and should expect in those we choose to manage those affairs that support the basic needs of every society. Trump and those who have chosen to follow him will never, and I repeat, NEVER receive the care they are longing for. They are collectively cutting the branch we are all sitting on. I pray that enough of us will reject him and his followers when we vote, and if that is not enough, we will find the courage and the means to do what is necessary to save our democracy.

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Well said.

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Right on. I describe our situation as being in a fistfight. Day before Yesterday I think it was, Senator Raskin described a procedure that the justice department could take that to force the justices to expel Alito and Thomas. I think we have to press forward on that.

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Your list of words is entirely too nice. I’m not a conspiracy theorist, but what the hell does he have on all these people?

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MAGA is nothing but a CULT.

They assign supernatural qualities to Trump

To them, Trump is INFALLIBLE, all things that he does - and has ever done - are PERFECT.

MAGA world attacks the military, the police, the FBI, the legal system and our country daily all because the system won’t bend its knee to their cult leader.

Just a reminder that if you go to church and your pastor compares Trump to Jesus Christ, you officially belong to a cult. 🤣

Can't wait to celebrate Biden's victory wearing this funny t-shirt on November 5th! 👇


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My same question, year after year...

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Mine as well. 🤷‍♀️

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Could it be pedophilia? Food for thought. tRump was friends with Jeffrey Epstein, sex offender and trafficker. tRump 's comments about his own daughter, his sexual comments of entitlement. Makes me wonder. Nauseating.....

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They all agree on the direction they want this country to go.

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He got it from Putin.

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I have pondered the same question. Pedophilia? Nauseating. But very possible.

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I have been pondering the same question. Are they all pedophiles who attended Jeffrey Epstein's parties with underage girls, some of hem trafficked? tRump publicly implied lusting for his own daughter. This included photos of his hands placed inappropriately on her body.

He was friends with Epstein. The thought of it is nauseating. He is nauseating.

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Lynn I agree with you completely. I gave been asking myself the samexqyestion ARE THEY ALL PEDOPHILES? tRump has verbalised lust for his own daughter and was%a friend of Jeffrey Epstein, a known set offender. CERTAINLY : His sexual statements would tendcto support this notion. Just thinking about it blows my mind! NAUSAETING!

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Lynn: I have been pondering the same question. ARE THEY ALL PEDOPHILES?? Trump has verbalised lust for his own daughter and was a friend of Jeffrey Epstein, a known set offender. CERTAI LY: his statements support this notion! Just thinking about it blows my mind!

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I think we forget to be outraged, maybe because powerful feeling like that can't be sustained for too long before we are exhausted. But we should be outraged that this convicted felon is still walking sround free after fomenting an insurrection to overthrow our government. We should be outraged that he is allowed to run for president after demonstrating how completely unfit he is for the office. Mostly we should be outraged because he is walking around free, running for president while he is plotting the overthrow of our government AGAIN with *members* of our government!

How is it that we aren't outraged?? How can we remain spectators at our country's execution? Is the Spirit of 1776 dead? Is the government for the people, by the people, of the people nothing but a memory? December 7, 1941 was the day that will live in infamy, but this, right now, is the decade that will live in shame and horror if we let our country die with little more than a whimper.

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We are outraged. The world at large is horrified. Why are "we the people" potentially allowing American democracy to slip away?

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I think we are outraged. Our only way out of this is to vote, help where and when we can in blue campaigns, donate money if we can to those critical seats we need to hold onto and those we need to turn blue, and share the reasons Biden is a good President and trump is not to those who are willing to listen. We must win this election and continue to stay motivated and engaged.

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You forgot to include the underused word "lickspittle": a contemptible, fawning person; a servile flatterer or toady. People like Lindsey Graham perfectly embody that word.

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Spiro Agnew alliterations: “nattering nabobs of negativism” -- “pusillanimous pussyfooters” -- “vicars of vacillation.”

My alliteration for this occasion: tiny tittering treacherous traitors

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A convicted felon can’t vote so WHY CAN HE RUN FOR PRESIDENT?

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? ?

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I somehow knew that the GOP would fawn on 45** as they always do to his face, so the end result of the visit to Capitol Hill has me shrugging; But when I got to your "Dad Joke" I had to chuckle, I think my Dad would have appreciated it. I lost him a few years ago, so thank you for giving me a smile.

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Jun 15Liked by Elliot Kirschner

A quick comment re the Japanese surrender photo: I find it respectful and dignified to show these two men without adding any kind of power or subservience "trappings."

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Thank you Rosemary for your comment. I would like to better understand. Did you find my contextualization objectionable? I was merely stating the consensus of both historians and contemporary observers in both the United States and Japan about the power dynamics at play when the Japanese emperor in full formal wear stood next to the general in his casual military uniform. It was a symbolism that swept the world’s press at the time and the photo is considered a hallmark of the era.

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Jun 16Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Well, I was looking at the picture from the past using "eyes of the present." As I remember some details of the story behind this image, I know it was extremely unusual to see the emperor of Japan in "public." The Japanese I know believe that wearing your "best clothes" to an event is the most polite and respectful way to be with the host. The general didn't "need" to wear his Class A uniform!

I think that the symbolism was not lost in 1945 - for the Japanese and the Americans.

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Thank you for engaging in this conversation. Hope you have a great day.

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I liked the comment “ take your felon to work day”😂

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Jun 15Liked by Elliot Kirschner

To feel so secure in a belief that they will return to office because they performed fealty to the party without seriously expecting the top candidate will get reelected is absolutely hubris. They swallowed. An amazing performance of unity.

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The moment that galled me perhaps the most (in all these years) was when Trump refused to honor and acknowledge the transfer of power to Biden. It sticks like a bone in my throat. How does anyone run for office (indeed, THE office) when they clearly do not believe in the system of democratic transfer of power. I can't get past this one. And it is like a virus that has spread among his followers in our Congress. If you don't believe in our system of government, then do not pretend to serve! Allow someone else, who does, to take your place and do the work. I find it utterly appalling.

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I love your joke (but please don’t tell anyone). Living in Kentucky, I’m appalled at those who represent us in Congress. Your AI list describes them almost perfectly except it left out “moronic”.

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Granted that your analysis is sound and the AI words are apt, the question remains, “so what?”. We can’t (or at least shouldn’t) ignore the apparent millions of MAGA believers and supporters; I don’t think we should assume that most or many of them cannot be persuaded “to see the light”. I just hope the Democrats, including the Biden campaign, will try to reach and engage with every potential voter throughout the country and territories and to “tell it like it is” as apparently there is evidence that they are doing.

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I love your "Dad joke" LOL! But you are correct the situation is anything but funny. My fervent hope is, the maggots in Congress don't matter a damn, as you said they are pusillanimous at best. The MAGA cultists also don't worry me it's our supposedly "own" lame-brained DC based committees, DNC, DCCC, and DSCC that worry me, otherwise I foresee a landslide victory for the USA, Americans in toto, are not that dumb.

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