I couldn’t agree more. It is beyond understanding how people have forgotten those four years. The reality, though, is that many of them believe they were better off. What is infuriating is that the good times were the result of Obama’s economy. He wrecked it with his tax cut and his criminal handling of COVID. With all of this, I believe women will deliver this election for Harris. She still has room to grown and with a great turnout, which I believe will take place, he can be held to 45-46%.

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Oct 13Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Never mind the four years, just look at the last few weeks. He is truly hideous and becoming moreso.

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Oct 14Liked by Elliot Kirschner


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Yeah. How people can ignore his present behavior is also beyond understanding.

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I’ve grown up being optimistic. How that happened cause my father was on a smaller level so like tRump- so like him.

I’ve talk a lot how I was groomed via gaslighting and many other ways to be my father. Along the way there were my grandparents and many others who influenced me in kindness and compassion.

As I text this I realize this isn’t the topic then I know how twisted his nature is-tRump-because of my father and yes as did my mother. Soulless. Void of conscious. VOID IF HUMANITY! Subhuman!

I’ve a sibling who is unapologetic about her belief in tRump.

Makes my head hurt. And no we don’t speak - her decision.

There’s countless other families and friends torn apart for the same reason.

So I make a general perception, the person(s) have to be as toxic!

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Oct 13Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Randall , I am glad you chose human rights, humanity, equality, equity, empathy, and compassion, it is my preferred truth and the only hope for our species, My parents were and my sibling is also a Trump supporter. I learned a lot of how to never treat another human being or the environment, I recently watched Ken Burns documentary, The American Buffalo and I know who my tribe is.

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Randall, thank you for sharing your personal journey here. It helps to hear stories like this to gain more perspective.

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Oct 14Liked by Elliot Kirschner

I think you are correct. I have a friend who argues the “good people on both sides;” and he shouts ( and I believe him) “I am not a racist!” I argue, “you are who you support!”

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Thank you Mark for sharing your thoughts. I agree that Harris has a higher cieling in this election. I know it seems right around the corner, but a lot can be done between now and Election Day to get out the vote.

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I’m also still optimistic there are more people out there like my spouse and me who silence unknown numbers, and therefore aren’t caught in poll numbers. And that that’s why Kansas, Ohio, & other states’ ballot measures caught MAGA-Rs by surprise

I’m also hopeful that Marc Elias (Democracy Docket) & the legions of people helping him can corral all the garbage MAGA-Rs are doing within states: purging voters; filing frivolous lawsuits based on non-originalist readings of Constitution; etc.

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Absolutely, Elliot. A lot of people on here are working really hard to get out the vote.

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Oct 13·edited Oct 13Liked by Elliot Kirschner

I am locked in a business relationship with a man who has known me for a very long time (it's a generational familial linkage). He knows I am transgender and has professed that it is not an issue. Yet, when I explain all the danger and harm Trump represents to myself and others like me . . . and . . . remind him of the damage he and his policies caused the Ag industry, he retorts, "I'm voting G.O.P." I realized at that point I'd have to drop the discussion or risk my business. I have a tremendous degree of difficulty understanding how farmers and ranchers can support a man who singlehandedly cost us many of our overseas markets for our grain. The USA government bailed the Ag industry out with massive subsidies. I guess they don't mind being on *that* government dole even tho' it is a form of the socialism they scream about.

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Generally these are the first folks that call on "the City," or "the County," or "the government" to fix everything from potholes to drainage issues without ever understanding the point that you are making.

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Oct 13Liked by Elliot Kirschner

My observation after 65 years of awareness is that no one who receives subsidies or other assistance from the US taxpayers and the full faith and credit of the US views their benefits as "socialism." Socialism is benefits to "those other people who didn't earn it," although Trump tariff diversion to US farmers doesn't seemed "earned." It is just one example though.

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nod Except that the socialism they decry doesn’t even meet the actual definition of what Socialism is. All that aside tho’ . . . we all exist as part of and within the “social commons.” The very things we expect of our government (e.g. water, sewer, defense, public health, highways) could never be provided by each one of us individually. Whether we like it or not we are enmeshed collectively regardless. Engaging in hairsplitting (not you, them) of this nature only provokes an endless circular argument.

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Socialism is government control of the means of production. Receiving social security is not that. Government benefits is not that. Tiresome, this dodge.

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As an aside re: the tariff diversion . . . in a way it was earned given farmers and those of us in Ag had done everything that was expected of us to produce a good crop and sell it. The lost markets were directly due to his tariffs and meddling . . . they were compensation for the damage he caused. Ordinarily subsidies are more to help support essential markets (e.g. grain, livestock) that feed the people, etc.

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I don't disagree, but anyone else damaged by Trump's policies just get to pay the price - which he continually claims is really paid by China, in full.

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Hmmmm . . . we must get past the disinformation that the Tariffs are paid by China or whomever. Those tariffs are paid by USA consumers when they purchase the product . . . manufacturers are going to pass that cost along. The purpose of Tariffs is not to punish, but rather level the playing field — to make an unfairly cheap product as expensive, or more so, than the USA one. Yeah TFG may have used that Tariff income to make farmers whole, but it came out of USA consumer’s pockets . . . not China or whomever!

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Yes, a sales tax really. Pretty simple and yet apparently misunderstood. And they don't really level the playing field because for decades US employers have justified wage stagnation on tying wages to the fact that Chinese stuff is cheap.

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You and I and everyone else has heard that repeatedly, but what is missing is two fold: Simple mechanics versus just facts, and information exposure. We can't do anything about the latter since many of the people who are misinformed may not exactly be misinformed by choice, but by habit. They listen to the same stations, the same programs, read the same papers and thus no matter how simply something might be explained they won't ever even hear or see it.

However, for those who Might actually happen across a new source now and then we need to spell it out: A tariff tacks extra money onto the price of an import. It helps in specific cases like when new industries need help making enough profit to pay for R&D or manufacturing equipment so we can make that product in America, but done across the board it harms you and me because not only does that imported product cost more by the amount of the tariff, but American manufacturers and sellers will raise the cost of their products because that's what the market will bear. They raise prices to right up almost what the competition costs.

Make people think about it and about what they would do if they were the sellers and they will understand better and find it less easy to shrug off as "I don't know about that" or "so you say". Democrats need to start spelling things out like Ikea directions because some Independents and persuadable Republicans need things diagrammed.

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Cynthia, I hope someday you will be able to move your business away from these family members, It is hard to understand how people are so easily conned that they vote against their own best interests and their families, but Alpha males have a way of deceiving, intimidating, threatening, and falsely promising protection and prosperity that has always worked, Everyone deserves to be who they are and love who they love.

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I hope that too! Mahalo for your kind thoughts!

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I was on a conference call with my GOP State Rep and other constituents. As she fielded questions there was much concern over banning gas stoves (fox tv talking point). We don't even have gas lines out here. 🤷‍♀️

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That’s very strange . . . but . . . par for the course with the MAGA crowd. Fox News is a cancer.

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Because of this: another comment from the same neighbor when asked about trumps character, or lack thereof:

“Lynn Small O'Neal his mouth is his worst enemy, but he done a great job for four years unlike the idiots that have been there the last 4.

I don’t trust a person that gives our tax dollars away to illegals that they invited in that are living better on our tax dollars than most of our veterans.

A person that avoids the press even though most are liberal because she cannot speak without being told what to say.

When Robert Kennedy sees what is the best for America that says a lot.

Even without him I would vote for Trump, he not getting rich by being a politician like the others.”

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A guy I know says,”things just worked better under t rump. I nearly pass out! A million dead while he thought about injecting Clorox? The largest transfer of wealth to the top few in the history of the nation? Separating babies from their Mom’s? The list goes long! What worked better?

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I live in Europe and I strangely see the same "talking points" too. Blaming immigrants and the "perks"they are treated with - seem like credible explanations and work for some people ...

It all seems like a Massive campaign of Disinformation and the way it perpetuates itself can only bring to the conclusion that Russia and the "dear leader" behind the wheel is using the same old tactics that KGB or FSB are using ... (ask any historians or people who have studied things like these -they can confirm it and you don't have to take my word for it)

"Divide and conquer" they used to say ... and it only becomes clearer every day what they are doing...

If people are loosing their moral compass and stop treating one another with compassion and understanding I am afraid that we are heading to a very "individualistic and opportunistic" society that will stop evolving and be subject to manipulation and abuse on all aspects

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deletedOct 13
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I hear ya . . . at the present moment in my own situation I’m opting to preserve the business relationship. Tho’ at some point things will change and I won’t have to do that . . . then . . . watch out, he may not like the result when I bail out.

As for that woman, I feel soooo bad! That’s textbook abusive behavior!

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Probably not...learned helplessness is what is too profoundly deep. The distressing part is that we are supposed to be protected from this stuuf by rules, like the rule of law that is now failing us. We should be protected by Trump being in jail, or at least sidelined as a felon...but we are not.

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The ballot box is private, thankfully

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If enforced, yes. and The small down-side to mail-in voting.

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Hawai’i where I live is all mail voting. The County has secure armored drop boxes, which is where I deposit my ballot.

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As a Canadian seeing some of this abhorrent behavior seep across the border, we are all in behind a Harris win!!

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Thank you for this: "It wasn’t that long ago that American 'democracy' included widespread disenfranchisement of Black people and other minorities. It included Japanese internment. And for most of our history, elected office was almost exclusively the domain of white men." Lots of times my comments in response to newsletters get lots of "likes." The two times I've posted what you write there, I don't get a single response. I don't want to make too much of that, and yet I wonder about my fellow liberals and Dems, even, who in personal life likewise seem to eschew any reminder of our actual history as a country, built on the bones and blood of the original people. And THAT said, the current movement supporting Harris/Walz blows me away with hope and joy.

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Martin Luther King, Jr said “the arc of history ends toward justice.” That’s because change was/ is possible in our imperfect system. That won’t be the case if we elect republicans and let Fascism rule., Lorie

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That’s Kirie: spellcheck!

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It concerns me that media reporting has been fixated on equivalency and balance when, with fascists, there is no middle-ground because they want the whole ground for themselves. And why does the MSM not cover the reality that *unnamed* is mainly focused on the past (the MAGA slogan), while the Harris/Walz ticket is looking forward? Even *unnamed*'s immigrant deportation schemes are rooted in the past, in 1930s Germany, while Harris is firmly focused on making America BETTER in the future, without any illusions about what the past was actually like.

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I’m frightened and have no problem saying so. “Remember the Titans” the movie, that was my HS. As a child I attended an all white elementary school and if I rode a city bus it was written in large letters “coloreds in back only. Our favorite swimming pool had to close because they gave “the blacks” Tuesday to swim causing certain white people to stop coming. It was contaminated. Water fountains were labeled, and the restrooms cost 10cents to use to keep out “a certain subset of people”. I could write pages. I’m grateful for this post.

I gave birth to my first child in 1973. A baby girl, and my relief was palpable when Roe vs. Wade was passed. My daughter would have choices.

I’m now on SS and depend on it monthly. I worked, I pay my taxes, my home is paid for and taxes from my home to my vehicle and the government because I have a small CD.

I’m a grandmother and I’m scared to death for my grandsons future in a fascist country. I’m almost crying just writing this response.

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Thanks for the encouragement! The polls are stressful and yes, we are all asking "how could it be this close?" How could his depravity not be obvious to all? Still, I keep writing postcards to targeted voters, send the modest donations I can, and just got the flyers I need to walk around my portion of the neighborhood from my precinct coordinator, along with a plate of her homemade cookies. Doing what we can do. That's all.

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This is why we need to do away with the electoral system and go to popular vote. We have the people in the south ((no offense meant) that are believing his lies about FEMA and what else he says and they are the ones voting. My sister fell for it in 2016 but lived in a blue state and has seen the light and wonders how she could have ever voted for him. Great writing as usual.

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This is, indeed, the most profound question of all. I'm willing to accept that a fraction of Americans are bigots, misogynists, racists, even white supremacists, but 47-48%? I'll admit that conservative values hold sway across a broad swath of our landscape; by that I mean a leaner government, local/regional rather than federal control, fiscal restraint. However, what the Orange would-be Emperor is proposing is an incoherent string of off-the-cuff proposals to draw applause from his rally audiences, no more. So, how do the 47-48% rationalize this? It's no longer required! That's the key...anything goes. What one says, what one promises no longer matters. I am sorely disappointed that so many are willing to check their common sense in at the door and allow someone they wouldn't allow near their daughters to capture their vote. I truly can't find a single redeeming feature in the man, irrespective of the cut of his suit.

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Mr. Kirschner, thank you from all the way over here in Denmark for your insights and ability to convey the complex in terms that make it all comprehensible to someone coming from a Scandinavian point of view - whatever that means, as there are also immense divides here. Thank you!

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I’m trying to find hope and confidence in the thought that polls are often wrong and many of the new pollsters are right-leaning. Polls don’t seem to connect with people beyond landlines either— we used to be polled regularly on a variety of topics by various groups. Not a single call or email since the landline was dumped ten years ago, but they all manage to find me for fundraising! I feel like it’s impossible for polls to be capturing an accurate cross-section of voters. I also have faith in young people—the stakes are high for them and I think they’ll come out for Harris on the basis of climate and rights protection. and

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Does it occur to you that this is manufactured by mainstream media who only care about making more money? I don’t believe the polls for one minute, at least not the ones who are flooding our feeds. Divisiveness, chaos and corruption sell … compassion, successful recovery of the economy, cheerfulness don’t. Simple, if it smells, it sells. We are being bombarded by misleading information every minute and it’s deliberate. Don’t loose focus! Vote blue because our lives DO depend on it. No as-ifs here. 💕

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Honestly- I just don’t understand how people can support Trump and his army of deplorables. Actually Vance scares me more than Trump- For me -this is beyond politics- this is a moral issue. Are the people in our country who support Trump- so morally bankrupt?? My parents were holocaust survivors. Is this a new Holocaust era? It doesn’t have to be literal to hit the mark. I am so scared.

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As bad as TFG is, what if he actually wins and then keels over with the inevitable heart attack? Then we have someone far worse in jd. Unlike TFG he is quite smart as well a being incredibly mean spirited, and won’t be the ‘useful idiot.’

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They won’t even wait for that, I fear. 25th amendment

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But then jd

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Thank you Elliot for posing this important question. I have to bring a Winston Churchill quote: “Fear is a reaction. Courage is a decision”. We have to mount courage in the face of adversity! Moreover, Timothy Snyder (Yale History Professor and expert on Authoritarianism) has said that individuals acquiesce to a strong man in anticipation of punishment. We should not punish ourselves with the fear that democracy is dead. Therefore, courage is the antidote. For me, songs and music dispel my fear and bring me hope! I am going to Roy Zimmerman concert here in Corvallis to hear rousing progressive music. One of his songs is a remembrance of Lincoln’s address at Gettysburg.

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You've described well the smorgasbord of reasons, real or otherwise, that so many Americans continue to support Donald Trump. Trump is the most effective champion of a moral rot in the American psyche since Andrew Jackson; a rot that has existed since 1619. We are a country of great and honorable people, but a people willing to tolerate that rot since our birth who are now being confronted with it in our face. Win or lose, the rise of Trumpism is a moral indictment of America.

One specific suggestion for the media and everyone opposing Trump. The only true and proper way to refer to him is "FORMER PRESIDENT AND CONVICTED FELON, Donald Trump". That should have been the only way of referring to him since he was convicted.

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Well said. Sadly true. Vote blue!

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