
Dear Readers, I'm curious to know if you thought she would be fired, and so quickly?

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I have to admit reading about what happened and watching the included video short brought a smile to my day. Let’s hope this is a sign of things to come.

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Mar 27Liked by Elliot Kirschner

The entire Meet the Press episode can be viewed on YouTube. She was disgusting, never answering a question directly and seemed to be making it up as she went along, treading very carefully with her words. A huge round of applause to the journalists who did a round table at the end. Thanks to Chuck Todd for his summation. 🇺🇸💙🇺🇸💙

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Dead right! Here’s to more frequent moments of clarity!

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Bravo! I am so happy to read this. Now, tell us tRump is going to jail! We will all be ecstatic!! TIA

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Elliot, I think your glad that Ronna McDaniel was hired on a whim by NBC news executives that only thought of market share and the decision was reversed when solid journalists revolted because what McDaniel did as RNC chair was against the rule of law. The integrity of journalism at NBC triumphed as senior NBC journalists from Chuck Todd to Morning Joe to Nicole Wallace to Rachael Maddow to Lawrence O’Donnell said their objections to Ms. McDaniel were not due to her political views but because she aided and abetted in criminal activities in Trump’s attempt to overturn the 2020 election. NBC Universal management had to back down on the hire and the opinions of their finest journalists had to be respected.

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This is the best commentary I have read yet on the Ronna McDaniel fiasco. Thank you Elliot. First, since 2015, mainsteam media has toed the trumpsters line. And they went downhill from there.

When the Covid pandemic hit us, they spouted all the trumnpster's lies and denials of scientific facts. I know science is difficult to understand (you, Elliot, are excepted) especially viruses. I've tried to help by posting in simple everyday language about what viruses are, and their frequent rates of mutation. I also acknowledged the problem that science is not exact like math is. What we in the scientific community accept today may change tomorrow as new data is discovered - and this is more true of biology than the other physical sciences. Even chemistry changes as more 'artificial' man-made elements are discovered in the enormous atom smashing machines.

But the trumpster's ignorance was beyond understanding and some of his stupid suggestions were downright dangerous and even fatal. But night after night they were given an audience on evening news. I'm sure Dan Rather, Tom Brokaw and you were gnashing youir teeth.

But that wasn't all, the mainstream news media covered his crazy outbursts about how 'honest' and 'believable' Putin was - more so than our own intelligence services. Even his "love affair" with Kim Jong Un was covered as though it were serious news.

I watched the entire January 6, 2021 attack on OUR Congressional Building; I happened to be home in California at the time and was on he phone with a friend in DC. I was concerned he might be in danger and we watched together - me on CNN he on MSNBC. I must admit the television news people were aghast at the harm to police officers, the damage to the Congress Building, the Legislators and Vice President running in fear of their lives. But as soon as the trumpster started down playing the insurrection as "peaceful tourists - just wanting to watch the proceedings" and "peaceably protesting" the "fake stolen election results" They were Johnny on the spot to film their idol.

Thank goodness the insurrection hearings were broadcast on CSPAN. You saw exactly what was happening.

Since then the mainstream media has been doing their "both sides tango" by which they obviously meant reporting every lie dribbling from the fat orange slug's mouth while repeatedly mentioning that Joe Biden was born with a stutter and "he would be the oldest elected president".

Now that Joe has served 1,161 very productive days, passed some really great legislature, that has actually helped people like me, an old (91) decrepit retired school teacher, social services worker, business analyst, subject matter expert, instead of Bezos, Musk, Hunt, and Koch what do they report - polls of "how well the trumpster is doing (which he's not) how well he is avoiding trials, and Joe's stutter and age. Only on Substack do I see reports of the trumpsters obvious onset of dementia, his less than admirable physical condition or even the fact he is approaching 78 with less brain power than Biden. No I don't miss TV at all.

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Although I believed they'd bench her eventually, I was surprised how quickly NBC management pulled the plug.

AB Stoddard noted, "the truth does not have two sides."

Journalism cannot be fair or balanced when performative liars are platformed and handed a microphone.

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NBC should send out bonuses to all their staff who strongly opposed Ronna Romney McDaniel’s hiring. Maybe divide up the $300,000 they were going to pay her a year . It wouldn’t be a big payday but the symbolism would be priceless.

After watching her interview on Meet the Press I learned more about McDaniel than just her being a typical Trump flack. She has serious gaslighting skills. But her reputation exploded her employment quicker than you can say Scaramucci.

When you bounce your family name for Trump you’ve told the world nothing is beneath you. Not even helping Trump plot America’s demise as a democracy. NBC heeded the calls from in the house to send Ronna Romney McDaniel back into the “ sympathetic” embrace of her once and future boss.

Good riddance to bad rubbish.

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Mar 27·edited Mar 27

"The Confederacy of cowardly complicity" pretty much says it all. Thank you Elliot. A great way of looking at an awful situation. I was horrified at first and expressed my displeasure to NBC like most of us.

I'd hoped all of us speaking out would make a difference and they'd let her go but was I unsure. After watching Morning Joe yesterday I knew her days were numbered. So PTL for that. It's nice to know we really can make a difference.

I truly hope the Media Powers that Be have learned something valuable from this experience. Differing viewpoints and policy discussions are much needed but they are needed with people who are trustworthy, not known liars and supporters of insurrectionists. Contrary to what TFG and many on the right say the American people still do care about Ethics and Truth in Journalism and the Media. They still want the facts. It matters very much. ❤️🇺🇸💙

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I smelled a rat when I heard RRMcD was hired by NBC! I couldn’t help but wonder that she already had some kind of an “in” and this was it: She formed a good rapport with two of the NBC Executives, per Politico:

“The NBC-McDaniel relationship was forged last year when NBC executives wooed her to land a Republican presidential debate, which was a high priority at the network. CNN had beat NBC in the race for a Trump town hall, and securing a debate took on extra significance. McDaniel’s price included a rebuke to the company’s own cable network: MSNBC would not be allowed to simulcast the debate. NBC took the deal.

Through that process McDaniel built a good rapport with NBC News executives CARRIE BUDOFF BROWN, senior vice president of politics, and REBECCA BLUMENSTEIN, president of editorial. McDaniel left the RNC, signed on with CAA and went looking for a TV contract. While McDaniel had talks with other networks — she was trying to avoid working for CNN but had serious discussions with ABC — NBC always had the inside track. “Ronna had a good experience with Carrie and Rebecca and felt more comfortable than with some of the other networks,” a person close to McDaniel said.”


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Spot on!

I thought it would take a little longer. Now we know how fast our opinions reach a target.

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Thank goodness vocalized sanity stirred this whiplash effect of now she’s hired, now she’s fired. What I find so unbelievable is that January 6, 2021, still has not received the shock and disgust it deserves. The potential that pardons might occur for those who defiled our democracies core values that day, causes me to shutter with horror for our future. I was a senior in high school, in an American Lit class when the librarian dashed into our class and whispered something to our instructor. What has happened ? I surely do need Mr Rather, Dr. Richardson and Mr Kirschner to keep nudging me to have hope. Thank you Francis Scott Keys for writing the words that became our anthem, the Star Spangled Banner.

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Where is the mainstream press? Sure, we will never hear the truth from Fox. But where are the rest of them? Hiding behind their 'report both sides' policies? They have no problem reporting Republican lies. Whatever happened to fact checking, challenging, and reporting the truth? Why aren't they doing their JOBS?

The 'Free Press' in America is a joke. What are we up to now? 7 or 8 'entities' control 80% of the mass media in the U.S.? Not to be too cynical, but I’m guessing that the ‘wants’ of the shareholders are prioritized long before the ‘needs’ of the Republic are even considered. Collusion? Hell, a couple of 4-somes at Pebble Beach will take care of hiding that minor issue.

Thankful that we have the Substackers. I sure wish the rest of America did!

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What was NBC thinking?

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It's all about corporate, Elliot, and journalism wasn't even anywhere on the bus. We all know journalism is in crisis, as corporate continues to eat away at journalism.

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