Jul 4Liked by Elliot Kirschner

I've been sad this Fourth . First time I felt this way and I'm 71 . At one point I cried . Democracy is definitely being challenged . My family loves this holiday , but we know that if this election goes a certain way we could lose it . Our freedom will be at stake.

Happy 4th everyone and God Bless America !

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Me, too, Becca and I'm 70. I am sad and also worried. But I'm determined to not let that immobilize me. I'm beginning to write my Get Out the Vote postcards today. To take action is definitely cheering.

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I'm so concerned. But we need to vote !

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Becca . I understand all you said , would change one part no could we would lose it if the orange turd wins . Happy 4th to you . Hugs and peace

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We sure could . Hugs back . ✌

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This is one reason I'm uncomfortable flying the American flag at our home. I fear it represents nationalistic, rather than patriotic, sentiment and intention. I've always felt this way. This isn't to say I'm not grateful to be an American citizen; I am. But the only flag we fly is of a photograph of Planet Earth in a sea of blue.

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I refuse to let the MAGA cult take over the flag. I fly mine over a “Black Lives Matter” sign.

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Where did you get that flag. I will fly it with the star and stripes.

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Jul 4Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Thank you, Elliot. While I dispute that all men are created equal, because we obviously aren't, If we were we'd all have the intellectual capacity of Albert Einstien, the strength of Dwayne Johnson, the beauty of Elizabeth Taylor. But we are or should have the right to be treated decently, rewarded with a reasonable living, the right to be educated to the best of our individual ability, and most of all equal treatment under and by the law.

There should be no "crime" to driving while black. No one of any rank or position should be held above the law. Everyone should b respected for what they GIVE to their community, not for what they TAKE from that community.

As a naturalized citizen, I am grateful for all this Country has given me, I was 33 when I received my citizenship, now at 91 I hope I have given service in return for what I received.

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One correction: the president is now above the law.

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Only by the decision of five dishonest men and female dipshit. Regardless of what those Anti Constitutionals say the Constitution still support NO ONE is above the law AND per Article six, the Constitution and written approved law IS THE SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND. Those six treacherous people have deliberately with ma;ice aforethought chosen to ignore the Constitution. President Biden has chosen to hold the Constitution Supreme.

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Good for you!

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Jul 4Liked by Elliot Kirschner

I just love a smart alecky kid !! I had 4 of my own and 8 smart alecky grandchildren.

I just finished trying to explain myself to Robert Hubbell. He is furious at the MSM and his readers who express concern about Joe Biden based on the debate last Thursday. I have vainly tried to explain that concerns about the President’s ability to be effective in the next four years does not negate my eternal gratitude for the past 31/2 years. To no avail ! But devotion to any political leader is not patriotism. I just drove 7 hours up to the Adirondacks with so many American flags flying on the way that it made me happy. No signs out yet, just the red, white and blue and all that glorious scenery ! This country is magnificent - if only our politicians were men ( and women !) to match our mountains !

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Hi Joan, I too like smart alecky kids. Your smart alecky kids seem wise beside, if they rejected your view that choosing President Biden is devotion to a political leader. President Biden has gathered a team who are getting thing done, he has the temperament we desperately need right now. And, look at the chaos the NY Times created with their Chicken Little response 5 minutes after the debate. We need steady, inclusive, calm voting to take down CFDT... thus President Biden.

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Jul 4Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Thank you for the original words contained on the Declaration. They seem to strongly state that our Government shall be formed at the consent of the governed and and that inalienable rights shall be guaranteed to all, all are equal and our government should not be changed over frivolities, and never unless changing it can include a guarantee in sustaining these rights. I have not seen one single guarantee by a Maga, a Trump, a Bannon, and the list goes on, that their Maga movement even remotely includes guaranteeing these Inalienable rights, Period!

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Thank you Terry. I hope this message goes out. And yet they proudly pound their chests as patriots.

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If only everyone could and would vote. That vote tally would be a resounding defeat for Trump and Maga.

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Jul 4Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Long before 1776, in 1215, England’s King John was endowed with the insight and practical wisdom required to affix his personal seal to the Magna Carta. He thus empirically acknowledged that the title and authority he possessed were not immune to claims of limitation on that authority. Six of our current Supreme Court members need to be taught or reminded of this historical event and reality.

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Dark times. But silver linings like witty daughters save the day.

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"A toxic arrogance is certainly ascendant." Hang on Joe, we are with you.

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Jul 4Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Our work to preserve democracy is to get out the vote. Work like our very lives, and those of our children and grandchildren, depend on it.

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Jul 4Liked by Elliot Kirschner

“ We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness…”.: The Supreme court following the 2025. Project playbook has just given itself and the role of the President unprecedented powers. I would like to see President Biden for now embrace these powers and demand that one of our unalienable rights is to the truth, Any media, politician, corporations, supplement or medical device providers, food and personal care product providers, and advertisers disseminating information to the public must only provide verifiable truthful information under enforceable penalty of the law, Just like you can’t say bomb in the airport or yell fire in a theater, this does not deny anyone their first amendment right to speech, Speech needs to come with a responsibility to keep the populace safe. I would like to see him correct this Supreme Court holding those accountable for lying to .congress, for accepting gratuities (bribes), and for not recusing themselves when they clearly should have. I would like to see him get rid of the electoral vote, the filibuster, and dark money in politics. I would like to see him use his remaining time governing and not campaigning. He could go down in history as the person that saved democracy while enhancing and preserving his legacy, Just before leaving office, he must make this new power illegal and restore and strengthen the balance of power between the three branches of government and journalism, He needs to let someone else take the reigns for the continued fight for democracy over the next 4 years, Someone else needs to be out on the campaign trail letting everyone know what project 2025 is and how they have been implementing it for decades. In many ways they have achieved the slow bloodless coup described by Kevin Roberts, President of the Heritage Foundation. The people have already been stripped of many rights and powers while corporations, billionaires, and white supremacists under the guise of christian nationalism have gained wealth and power, These are frightening times, but also exciting times filled with possibilities. This may be one of those turning point times in the history of our very young country to again revolt against tyranny and fight for equality,

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Equality and inalienable rights in the Declaration applied ONLY to men (not women) and NOT to all men. It has taken many decades to address some of these exclusions and all men are women are still not equal or possessed of inalienable rights.

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Elaine, you are absolutely right, that was the belief of the time , and while we have worked hard for inclusive language, equal pay, equal representation in Congress, on .boards, as CEO’s etc , the ERAhas not been added to the Constitution nor do other groups, castes have equal rights, What I was referring to was the agreed upon dream and vision for equality for all which has been an inspiration to many here and all over the globe. Just put it into modern day inclusive language and I think you might also find it inspirational.

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The dream and vision for equality is indeed inspirational. I am also aware that the Maga movement does not share the dream. Unless Trump is defeated the dream may die.

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Jul 5Liked by Elliot Kirschner

‘A toxic arrogance is certainly ascendant. But, like with the British nearly a quarter millennia ago, it can be called out and ultimately defeated. And we the people can continue our struggle towards a more perfect union.’

Mr Kirschner, you can be so eloquent! Thank you for this piece!It was not the happiest of Independence Days, but your words are so helpful…

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thank you Nancie for the kind words. I hope you have a good weekend.

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Jul 4Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Thank you, Elliot, for this posting. It's important to recognize the moment we are in, to realize the complexities and difficulties of earlier moments, and to reach for the most honest and resilient way forward while owning that there is much that can be done to make our society stronger, fairer, and more inclusive. We must all be engaged in this process - clearly - every last one of us!

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Clearly Maga does not agree.

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I'm taking the day to reread Timothy Snyder's "On Tyranny," the graphic version. His new book. "On Freedom " comes put July 17th.

Feels appropriate.....

I simply cannot "celebrate" the day of the return of the king to a country founded onbthe premise of not having a king.

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Ah, but we need to go to any length to save our democracy.

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Jul 5Liked by Elliot Kirschner

On this day, in this year, your daughter is spot on!

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Jul 5Liked by Elliot Kirschner

That whitewashed version of American exceptionalism is exactly what I was taught by my public school education in the 60s/70s. Indoctrination to Nationalism.

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Of course I agree and cudos to your daughter who will be a great patriot like her Dad

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