Mar 20Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Excellent…spot on…reassuring actually…and you honor the average American’s ability to understand complexity if given the chance…thank you!

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deletedMar 20
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I'm with you on the investigative reporting Vickie. Today, with Corporate media controlling all, we get sensational reporting instead - whatever it takes for more profit

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Goggle doesn't work very well for me either. I moved on to Google, with modest success. Now, I am smitten by Perplexity.AI. I think there are and will soon be others that could be even better.

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Scary good. I'll stick with Wikipedia for now though.

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I agree. Life is complicated. Encouragement like this post will help inspire folks to step up.

This morning I received a request for comment on a building permit application that will add two more dwellings close to the farm where I live and grew up, making it a little harder continue farming, another well drawing ground water, another septic tank, and another source of green house gases. And two more households to complain about the smells and noise of agriculture. More dogs to chase the cattle with owners who don't understand. More worries about farm animals breaking through the fences and getting into hostile suburban yards.

Will I protest?

No. But it's complicated. The permit mentions in its justification that it will increase housing density in a county with a housing shortage. That's a legitimate point. I have enough character not to be a "NIMBY." If I were to protest, it would be twenty years too late. The area has already changed. Protesting today would be pointless obstruction. The cows have already broken through the fence and left the pasture and wrecked the cornfield. Twenty years ago, my mind was on other things and I did not take the steps I might have to deal with this complicated problem.

Which brings me around to my point.

Almost everyone is able to deal with complicated problems. But how many are willing to take the time and effort to grapple with complicated problems? I wish there were more people who do. I hope Mr. Kirschner's encouragement helps.

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Excellent insight. Cable news and conservative radio have certainly contributed to the age of the American ideologue. I just hope enough RINO’S and independents break ranks and vote for democracy. These are the critical thinkers who need to be moved into action come November.

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Such an excellent, deep analysis of our current situation! Thank you for your optimism. I too am hopeful, but we need a broad reaching media that will not latch onto sound bites and fail to challenge lies. Everyone I think is hoping for a better future. How we get there depends on positive, consistent effort.

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Optimism, there is no other choice.

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Yes, well said. For many I think nuance is just too hard....or more likely they don't want to expend the time or energy to think things through.

The older I get the more I realize that there is a no one completely right or wrong answer to any of life's dilemmas. We have to seek out our own path, examine what is before us, and use our God given intellect to deternine what seems right for us. And in doing that we encounter lots of complexities, nuances and competing situations that make our decisions difficult. But that's also what makes life so interesting!

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Thank you Elliot for presenting the complexities in our everyday lives and that given a chance most of us can capture the nuances of communications we encounter in the media. What struck me is that the main media is failing us by discounting or ignoring Trump’s language inciting violence! Just because his violent remarks are a daily event, the main media has to take it seriously and cover it in depth. We should not let the main media off the hook in their coverage of Trump’s unhinged incitement of violence. It is real and not metaphorical!

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We must assume that it's real at this point. I wish I had the answer about the main media. Clearly our hunger for profit had trumped our desire for real journalism. There are a few stopgaps that do a little better, like PBS, but often it seems like too little, too late.

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Nicole Wallace's Show "Deadline Whitehouse" on MSNBC is doing a great job of sounding the alarm on the dangers of re-electing Trump. The word is finally starting to get out I believe. Joy Reid and Chris Hayes had great shows last night too.

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MSNBC offers a light in the darkness, but more light is needed.

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Oh for sure Elaine!! But it's encouraging to see the word is finally starting to get out. I see it on Facebook and X too. People are starting to wake up to the dangers. We must all keep spreading the word best we can.

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I know that there are many new persons with honesty, integrity, and courage and pray that they will speak more loudly and more often.

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I should clarify: I didn't mean that it's too late for the USA, only that PBS is slow to get information out (on Frontline for example). PBS NEWS HOUR does a little better.

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I appreciate and agree with your analysis. I would add that one person running for president is a highly unstable narcissist, among other serious flaws. As someone outside your country, it is hard to understand your system of government. Your two-party system with three executive branches seems highly dysfunctional.

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It's worked for 250 years. It's that scumbag running the gop that is trying to overthrow the system.

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Exactly. Many of us have been asleep at the wheel protecting our precious Democracy and we allowed a Demagoue to almost ruin it for good. He still might. That's been my biggest lesson through all of this. Democracies must be nourished and protected. ❤️🇺🇸💙

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It's complicated. I think our founders got it right. Our Constitution inspired the world. Clearly we messed up in 2016. We can fix our problems, if we don't destroy everything this year.

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If the great Orange one was only a happy-go-lucky fool more on the order of Reagan, at least we could claim that he is a simpleton who sees the world in black and white, but this fool is malignant, petulant, self centered and volatile. I haven't identified a single redeeming feature in him yet, perhaps other than his weakness for fast food, which is more than likely rotting his brain. He doesn't even have a dog, as far as I know...

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That's it exactly. I've been asked this before. Why do you hate him so much?! It's worse than that. He has no sense of decency at all. None. Like you said. Not one redeeming feature. I've tried hard to find one too. He has no business at all being the Leader of the free world. He is a clear and present danger to us all.

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Government is complex, but the choice is simple.

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Well said,. “To be a responsible steward of government, and certainly at the level of president, one must wrestle with complexity.” It also means one has to be qualified for the job. I don’t ask my electrician to cut my hair and vis versa, Biden has been in politics his entire life, he knows how it works, he knows the Constitution and the laws, he knows our history, and he has built global relationships. Trump is a failed business man whose college professors did not find very smart, and who does not have knowledge of the Constitution, the rule of law, or governmental norms or civil norms for that matter. Some found Trump entertaining as an actor, now he wants to continue acting the part of baby King, but does not have the basic education for the job of President, I couldn’t get a job as a nurse if I couldn’t prove that I had studied and was qualified, I don’t understand why one of the most important jobs in the world does not have more basic requirements.

As an aside, in thinking about complex issues of a more positive nature, you might be interested in this company, https://seed.com/

They are doing amazing work in the field of the human microbiome. Great CEO and impressive list of scientists.

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not only is he a fool, but he has no interest in anything other than what his own mind can conjure up. Why would someone in his position ignore and tear up policy summaries? Why would he get up and walk out due to boredom in the middle of strategy meetings? Why would he spend hours of his time watching TV in the White House, for heaven's sake? The world has, and is generating, more fascinating knowledge than one person can perceive in a lifetime. Why would we choose a leader who isn't interested in any of it, beyond glitz and golf perhaps.

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"Empty rhetoric and facile promises." I continue to love your words-man-ship. Complexity is as much of a given in life as eating and sleeping. Even my two and a half granddaughter handles complexity, pretty well most of the time. At almost 80, I have seen a lot of life, much of it drenched in complexity. I have taught college courses in American Government, have lived in various sections of the country, from Maine to California, from Florida to Michigan, and have traveled widely in the world. I thought that I understood a lot of things, but this present political situation has limited what I thought I knew. Figuring out how to counter the lies and threats of violence is complicated.

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In our younger lives we were probably all warned to “Be careful, it’s a jungle out there!” It is another way of saying that the world is complicated, complex, frustratingly so. But you give us these words of encouragement from the eye of your storm. Thank you for that. You have persuaded me to sit quietly and examine my own storm here in Ohio and what I see is that when I reach out and help other people who are struggling for food or shelter, the answers to my complicated issues begin to form. A complete answer will never come; I am alright with that; but I am on the logical path that leads out of the jungle, and I am gathering friends along the way. Life is good!

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Thank you Elliot. As always a very thought provoking and much needed post for me today. Bravo!! ❤️🇺🇸💙

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Thanks for the excellent article. How does the concept of “post scarcity politics” figure into the complexity equation? “Post scarcity politics” is a new concept for me, but it seems to make sense. It’s also not discussed in the context of Biden vs. TFG very much, but perhaps it should be.

Here are a couple of links to The Bulwark’s recent articles on the subject.



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Spread the word, yes, and encourage famous people to speak out as well. Many folks listen to famous people. Every lie and every threat needs to be countered with truth immediately.

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We are complex creatures and can understand complex issues. Some though want to be lead, ruled even, and to those few the more the single sound bite is repeated, truth doesn’t matter, the easier it is for them to jump in behind that person.

History repeats itself over and over. We believed ourselves immune, democracy our security blanket phrase. Terminal uniqueness I call it. We are not immune. We’ve been infected and could succumb if we aren’t careful. Thank you for this extremely good article.

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Thank you for sharing your insights

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