Jul 25Liked by Elliot Kirschner

We must save democracy for the younger folks to have a chance. Like Joe said this election will matter for decades to come.

More is at stake than Kamala Harris becoming president. Joe's historic point is that he worked for us. He served us. That's what a president does in a DEMOCRACY. If you want change you can vote them out like we did in 2020.

If we have a dictator we serve the dictator. Our rights won't matter any more. We will no longer be free. That's why we fought the revolutionary war. Rather than fight another revolutionary war your choice is to vote democratic until there is a second party to choose from that will abide by democratic principles and agree to a peaceful transfer of power. NO MATTER WHAT THE OUTCOME!!!

This election is Prosecutor VS Felon.

That's why I already ordered this "Prosecutor or Criminal 2024" t-shirt 👇 🤣


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Just ordered mine!

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Jul 25Liked by Elliot Kirschner

A great commentary, Elliot and so eloquently expressed. I will miss Joe's steadiness, his eye always on the good of the Country and its people. I am happy with Kamala. She is a strong, compassionate, intelligent woman. Above all, she believes in the rule of law and will always uphold the Constitution. She is good choice for our first woman President - and Joe will always be there for her.

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Jul 25Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Wonderful analysis of an eloquent speech. He has been a great president. I have seen Roosevelt through Biden and I rank those two as the greatest. LBJ was close but brought down due to the Vietnam War. Well done President Biden❤️❤️❤️

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Jul 25Liked by Elliot Kirschner

With you all the way Judith.

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Jul 25Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Thanks for echoing the sentiments of my heart. The grip that power can have on a person is undeniable, yet this man has denied this pursuit in the interests of a country he clearly loves. Love you Joe.

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Jul 25Liked by Elliot Kirschner

I can't help but think that Joe Biden is among the shrewdest politicians ever to stand behind a teleprompter. The timing for his withdrawal was vicious. Give the Trumpists time to commit to a campaign strategy at the RNC, name a VP candidate of doubtful value to a campaign, then pull the rug out from under them with enough time for Harris to fight a vigorous winning campaign. Don't mess with old Joe. He knows what he's doing.

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Someone (I think HCR) pointed out that he also timed it to come *after* the Sunday morning talk shows so it couldn’t be criticized by all the pundits jumping all over him or Kamala.

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It WAS so clever! I never dreamed it would turn out like it did. Haha, the Republicans were so shocked, they (Tom Cotton) claimed it was a coup!!

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Thank you Elliott for your eloquent recitation of why Joe was elected in the first place. In 2020, we needed a Trump antidote as much as we needed the Covid vaccine. There is no injection to counteract Maga fever. No scientist could come up with way to prevent the chaos that was looming. It took true patriots to have the courage of their convictions and the strength of their decency.

History will be kind to Joe Biden. Despite his foibles, he is a caring and decent man who took the reins of power when decency seemed to have retreated from our national consciousness. His choice of Kamala Harris was seen as dubious, but the last 3 1/2 years validates his choice. Perhaps he was prescient to see that Kamala could be the solution to a dangerous threat to democracy. Young people, women, people of color, people of all marginalized backgrounds now have the chance to be heard. They are motivated and ready to take up the banner of freedom for all.

We cannot know the outcome of the election now. All the pollsters have no frame of reference with which to craft a survey that will capture the growing excitement in the country. $100 million raised in 36 hours! That is breathtaking. The republicans will protest, they will sue for relief. They will try every way they can to stop the juggernaut. They will fail.

I wish President Biden many years to see the fruits of his actions. When women have their rights restored, when our children no longer are killed by senseless gunmen, when terrorists are forced to think twice, we will all be better off, even the Magats.

Go Kamala Go!!!!!!!!!

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Jul 25Liked by Elliot Kirschner

"fundamental dignity and goodness of the man" pretty much sums it up, President Biden has been the best president of my lifetime, which spans FDR to Biden --- a conscientious and consequential leader, a man of deep faith and integrity, whose life makes me proud to be a citizen of the USA.

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Jul 25Liked by Elliot Kirschner

I don’t have the eloquence to appropriately recognize someone I admire while keeping touch with the shifting ground we’re trying to negotiate. All the more I recognize quality writing when I read it. Thank you, Elliot, for this well-placed tribute.

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Thank you Shelly.

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Jul 25Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Oh, how I wish for something truly historic, an uprising of the millions of voices that I know are out there who love our country, treasure it's democracy and fear the ugly voices permeating our media today. I desperately want to be reassured that the core of our populace still believes in the values on which our nation was founded, with which we were raised, which we have, sadly, come to take for granted in an age of gilded abundance and civic lethargy. It pains me that nothing short of existential crisis can move us to action, unless it be bombs and missiles on our own soil. Still, in my own personal mourning of the political passing of the greatest president in my lifetime (no hyperbole there) I have hope. I wish I had confidence, but I'll take hope for now. I want this election season to be an indictment, trial and conviction of fascism, of autocracy and of the dispicable human being who has already done monumental harm to our democracy by virtue of his wealth, audacity and messianic sociopathy.

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I am frightened by the fascist uprising that is Project 2025. Trump and his handlers are wielding messianic power, and some powerful and widely followed news media and opinion mongers are strengthening the surge.

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History in the making.

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Jul 25Liked by Elliot Kirschner

If Kamala carries the day and wins this election, President Joe Biden will go down in history as "The Man Who Saved Democracy In America." It took great loyalty to the democratic republic to make his decision to step down and I do believe it to be a truly historic moment that reflects a good, decent man's love for his country. Well done Joe, now carry on until you, Jill and your family can enjoy some extra time together. Job well done President Biden.

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Jul 25Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Very good speech from a very good man and leader

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Jul 25Liked by Elliot Kirschner

I thought it was a good speech. It must be so difficult for him to be at this juncture.

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President Biden’s point that “America is an idea” is so significant. It isn’t that the country promises a dream (house of our own, two kids, a car and so on), as much as a nation which stands for an idea, or ideal: Equality, liberty, a fair chance, the responsibility to participate in self-governance—all of this is what we are, as a nation. Mr. Biden has understood that and communicated it so well, better than anybody in a long, long time. Thank goodness he has been here now.

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Agree, Elizabeth. We are an idea, not blood, not soil, certainly not our ethnicity or our party or our background or anything else. That is the hope, that is the beauty of America. I always say the same thing using the words of the Declaration of Independence. Our country, despite its many flaws, is “dedicated to a proposition,” nothing else. I am well aware of the imperfect union it’s been. In the stirring words of America the Beautiful, “God mend thine every flaw.” Still, we are a beautiful proposition of equality and freedom. We are not a group or type of people, or even a place, or a “party.” Anyway, these days this proposition speaks to me more than ever, with the frightening evil and sickness infecting our country.

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Jul 25Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Unity is essential to preserving American democracy. No person in their right mind would want an insurrectionist and traitor elected President. Should it happen there will be no more American Presidents.

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Jul 25Liked by Elliot Kirschner

The power is in our hands. We'd better take this seriously. Please read widely, dear friends.

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