Apr 26Liked by Elliot Kirschner

"...testimonies to the constructive forces human minds can conjure. They embody one of our species’ most enduring instincts — to voyage beyond the boundaries of knowledge. "

I also noted this amazing feat Elliot. Thank you.

I wish, a sacred kind of wish, humanity to make this kind of constructive force in the realm of human interactions, human understanding, live together harmoniously.

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Apr 26Liked by Elliot Kirschner

So beautiful. Thanks for reminding us that we are just a speck in the universe.

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Apr 26·edited Apr 26Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Link to Carl Sagan's 'Pale Blue Dot'.


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Fun fact: Carl Sagan oversaw the compiling of the golden record on Voyager.

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With the words “We are attempting to survive our time so that we may live into yours,” Jimmy Carter managed to capture the mood of our spirit at the time. It’s a such a sad and hopeful mixture, and endures to this day. Thank goodness for Carter and other brave and gentle leaders.

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Thanks for yet another uplifting and contemplative message. I hate to admit that this was all new to me.....I wish we'd hear more of this type of news and less about Trump and all.

That look on their faces was the very picture of joy. I loved seeing it. The picture struck me as one of every day citizens doing their jobs, but they are also whip smart, dedicated to the arduous and gargantuan task. And through their joint effort they were able to create this most fantastic feat of science. engineering and ingenuity.

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Apr 26Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Yes, I’d heard of the garbled messages and was saddened, and was elated to hear this week that despite all odds they not only identified the issue but their solution worked!! My dad, who passed away about 10 years ago, was a member of the Voyager team in the 70’s when I was in grade school. I have one of dad’s photos of Jupiter that was taken by Voyager I up in my own office now. It is very special to me that it is still sending back data to the team. It had a 3 year mission, and now it might even make it to 50! Magnificent work they did back then!

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Your dad’s Voyager 1 photo of Jupiter reminds me of a time ten years earlier than that when I was in elementary school. My parents on the rare night out always used the same babysitting agency and always requested Miss (or maybe Mrs) Leach. Miss Leach’s day job was in JPL’s press release office and she knew I loved science. She’d bring and leave with me nice 8x10 glossy photos and renderings from the Mariner, Pioneer, Lunar Orbiter programs. I vaguely remember there might have been some wink wink don’t ask where these came from and not for school show and tell.

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Apr 26Liked by Elliot Kirschner

What a wonderful post! I listened twice…. And reminded myself to keep my head straight while I witness the insanity happening about us! Thanks again for helping us through the fog!!!!!👏👏👏🙏🙏🤩🤩🤩

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Apr 26Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Tears....listening to Ol' Satch playing out in the middle of space...we can do so much good and many amazing things. Why do people want to destroy it? It may see I'm not adding to the hopeful message your article brings, but I do, and have to, remain hopeful. But I must say, this roller coaster of ups and downs is getting a bit long! Happy Friday everyone. Sending love and healing thoughts out to the universe for anyone who needs them.

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Apr 26Liked by Elliot Kirschner

This is so awesome! I saw both Voyagers launch when my ex was stationed at Patrick AFB in 1977! Voyager 2 was actually launched first - and it was my very first launch! It was a thrilling moment! I never dreamed that this many years later the Voyagers would still be in contact! I have loved following news of the Voyagers over the years! Your uplifting column today brings back the thrill and the wonder of what we are capable of!

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Apr 26Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Thank you Elliot for sharing this beautiful story about Voyager 1! Listening to Louis Armstrong’s “ Melancholy Blues” soothed my soul that is disgusted by the arguments in the Trump Immunity hearing in the United States Supreme Court. Let us hope that Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts joins the four women on the court to come to a sensible conclusion that follows the US Constitution and ends any special treatment of Trump to carve out some special Presidential immunity!

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Apr 26Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Don’t hold your breath. But I hope that will happen.

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From your lips to the Universe’s ears!

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Thanks for this beautiful tribute to our capabilities. These artifacts and message will prevail long after our faulty species ends up extinguishing most of the life upon planet Earth.

I look forward as the research team makes more progress in bypassing the limitations caused by the faulty silicon integrated circuit chip. Still, we will soon loose all contact as the radioactive isotope power source naturally decays and the attitude control thruster fuel source depletes. The mission stands as a tribute to Dr. Carl Sagan’s insights and dreams.

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Apr 26Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Thanks, Elliot for today's post.

That picture shows what dedication is all about and loving the work you do in the world.

I hope someone shares this with President Carter:

"This is a present from a small, distant world, a token of our sounds, our science, our images, our music, our thoughts, and our feelings. We are attempting to survive our time so we may live into yours."

Truly, he is one of America's best.

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This peace of mind I find comes with age...to appreciate what we have in this world that is good........I have spent a lifetime searching for beauty...in the environment and in objects......now in this crazy time these things bring me peace. I grew up on a beautiful island and looked at the stars and the northern lights and envisioned the spacecraft soaring through space into the never ending universe and dreamed of what my future and the future of the world would be.

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Apr 26Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Wow! I saw the headlines, but hadn’t read the stories. Talk about something to smile about!

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Apr 26Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Thank you Elliot for a great message. I have followed the news from NASA for decades and am so thankful that you have shared this particular heartfelt story with all of us, especially the music. It reminds us that there are things that this nation does that is way beyond politics and deserves all our support.

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Apr 26Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Love the picture, and the diversity of faces that were probably not present when Voyager 1 started its journey. Thanks for some hopeful good news!

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Apr 26Liked by Elliot Kirschner

This is beautiful Elliot! Thank you for your peaceful and motivational message that I will carry forth into my day! I hope you have a great weekend!🫶🏼

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