Excellent parallel drawn. Thank you for your thoughtfulness regarding President Joe Biden's feelings. It is on my thoughts as well, often. I know history will call him a true heroe for sacrificing his ambition to save American Democracy. Actions speak lourder than words.

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Aug 11Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Biden continues to be an excellent president. History will bear this out.

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Up till now I have cherished two favorite presidents, Theodore Roosevelt and Harry Truman. I may have to add Joe Biden to my faves. He may not be flashy but he is fabulous.

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Joe Biden knows his job is not over until Harris and Waltz are inaugurated and they have the legislative backing of the House and Senate to institute SCOTUS reform, reverse the presidential immunity, overturn Chevron, and enshrine a woman’s right to control her own body. Joe knows that his behind the scene toils are very important while Harris and Waltz are energizing America on the campaign trail.

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Aug 11Liked by Elliot Kirschner

So great. Another thing that came to mind as I read your post is that the end of running your leg as best you can is the act of passing the baton and doing that well. So many of even the greatest people don't do that which can derail what they've accomplished. What we're seeing with Joe is that he has done an exemplary job of that aspect.

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Aug 11Liked by Elliot Kirschner

“ At its best, the Olympics provide us with a sense of how big and vibrant this world is and that we have the power, should we choose to do so, to come together in a spirit of friendly competition and general camaraderie.” Hopeful statement for a starter. I have enjoyed the spirit of “us” and “our” and “cooperation”, “good sportsmanship “, honor, honesty, “for the common good” that have permeated the olympic games, and the Harris-Walz campaign. I hope the era of stark individualism, of me me me, of immoral CEO pay, shareholders needs over consumer and workers and the planets needs, billionaires becoming at the expense of others with no sense of responsibility to pay their fair share, of profits over people and the planet, will have run its course and will be seen as what will destroy our species, Making this planet healthy and livable for humans is the existential challenge of our time. We can do great things and when we couple that with the responsibility of making sure our actions are good for the next seven generations, maybe we will have finally evolved to deserve this rare and precious planet,

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Aug 11Liked by Elliot Kirschner

We inhabit a world studded with advances in everything from art to anthropology. It is irrevocably sad that we cannot resolve differences without hurting one another.

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Aug 11Liked by Elliot Kirschner

This was your best post yet. The metaphor is profound and it is beautifully expressed. I wept at the end, for all kinds of reasons, and that is the mark of top-not h writing. Thank you for this piece.

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Thank you Andrea. That means a lot.

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I agree! What a wonderful perspective on life and the world we live in. If ONLY we could capture all of that joy and camaraderie and spread it to the world. I intend to do my part there! Thank you for a fabulous column!

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Aug 11Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Joe Biden deserves a gold medal for passing the baton to Kamala Harris!

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Aug 11Liked by Elliot Kirschner

I really like the metaphor, Passing the baton. Agony though there surely is as one discovers that they have run their last race, turned out their last car, saw their last patient, wrote their last article or paper, and handed the keys to the next generation, leader to be, steel worker, pastor or whatever. I'm working on developing solace that what I committed my life energies to is but one side of that baton, to be carried forward on a track of another, younger one and I will never see the finish of the race or journey or career or society in which my finger print will become fainter with each passing and competition to separate the past from the future. My certainty in all of this is that there will be a next race and whoever is competing or creating will achieve progress for mankind, regardless of the naysayers and barriers laid down by the same types of minds and ideologies we competed against. Journalists like you and Dan Rather laid a course that certainly can't whip back toward propaganda and theocracy. Your times caring the baton glow strong in the hands and pens of those you shaped to run the race toward light and truth and the future.

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Biden performed the most historic statesmanship in history. He passed “the baton”. What a class act.

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Aug 11Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Thank you, thank you, thank you. I understand the empathy and shared experience of passing the baton. Joe Biden is the GOAT in this election and in this century.

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Aug 11Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Lovely essay, Elliot, thanks. It was brilliant to compare Olympics to politics and quite clever. I have keenly watched politics for the last decade and am breathing comfortably again with the rebirth of joy and hope among the Democrats. It has been a long time coming. It matters not what Trump posts on Trash Social. The momentum is no longer his and by the grace of God this will continue.

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BTW Elliot, you are a bright spot in my world even on stressful days.

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Aug 11Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Doors are opening.

Doors are closing.

It's all right, it's only change.

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You’re awe inspiring. I was a subscriber to Steady and when went your way I committed to subscribe to you. Your words are informative and your perspective is so very enlightening. I can’t wait to read your posts. Please keep them coming.

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Aug 11Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Great analogy! Thanks, Elliot!

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Aug 11Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Perfect metaphor. Thanks.

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Aug 11Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Beautiful insights. . .

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Aug 12Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Like poetry filled with wisdom.

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YES! You nailed it, Jeff! So much said in such an eloquent fashion. Thanks for putting my thoughts into a concise package.

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Aug 11Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Can the women’s team please, please, please teach the men’s team how to pass that baton?

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