Jun 28Liked by Elliot Kirschner

As I have commented on other sites. Think the 2025 project and explain to all you know. Granted Biden did not have a good night . The lies coming so fast . For someone with a stutter this would have been hard with the time frame for a younger person.But keep one thing in mind Biden has and will surround himself with knowledgeable individuals who will care about the United States and democracy. Tfg on the other hand will be surrounded by people who want to dismantle democracy. Think of who the two men admire.you know the saying you can tell a person by the company they keep

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Jun 28Liked by Elliot Kirschner

I, like many were disappointed in Biden's presentation at the meeting-not a debate in my opinion-with Trump. I feel at this time, what is first and foremost in my mind, that democracy is what is at stake in this election. What I respect about Joe Biden, is that he puts good people, women and men, around him. He is very capable of reaching out to them and leading this country with their support. I do not trust Trump and his team of people he puts around him. I will vote for Joe Biden, knowing four more years with an 'old man' with a good team of women/men, is the only option at this point in history.

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Jun 28Liked by Elliot Kirschner

As long as we judge our elected on the basis of personality instead of ability... I think you said all there is to say Elliot. FDR would never have been elected with the idiocy of today, he was crippled by polio, which they hid. Biden has been a great president. Thank you again Elliot for a great steadying report.

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Thank you. It’s hard because I really understand all those who want to see Biden thrive in a second term.

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Jun 28Liked by Elliot Kirschner

If anyone still needs to be reassured about Biden, be sure to watch the NYT clip of Biden speaking at a rally after his time on stage with Trump. Biden is himself again - speaking directly to people listening, honest, accepting of disappointments, and full of fire - as he puts it: One thing I know, if you get knocked down, you get right back up and go at it. His relaxed and more familiar tone would reassure those of us who were desperately alarmed by the debate performance.

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I agree with this but I also remain worried. It reminds me of an aging pitcher who can still summon his curve ball but is more likely to lose by giving up the home run. I am not confident about what tomorrow may bring or next week or month.

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Yes, Elliot. I have recently lived through the aging and then loss of two family members. The vulnerability of the person who is aging is very real. I am comforted by the good people that surround Biden, and by his passionate desire to address the problems that weaken our country. He is a man with a vision and this always inspires me. I also think it energizes him.

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Lark, thank you. I watched that speech. This is the Biden that I believe in, but he was giving a prepared speech to his followers. Last night he should have been able to plug in these talking points to answer the questions, but he couldn’t, He got sucked into defending himself against lies. When he got into defending his golf game he looked anything but presidential, I am still concerned about how he will act in a crisis. I hope I am wrong, If he is the candidate I will certainly vote for him, but I am worried about his health.


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Yes, Linda. One helpful reality is that the President is not alone as he works with problems and Biden's team are a good group of people. I think we will all remain on edge - for many reasons!

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Jun 28Liked by Elliot Kirschner

I also am horror-struck by last night's debate, but Joe Biden will go down as one of the greatest U.S. president for his accomplishments and for his wisdom if he were to withdraw from the race now.

Mr. Kirschner's closing paragraph is worth repeating:

"We have seen that most Republicans are united by a fealty to Trump and his MAGA cult. Democrats are united in a desperate desire to save freedom and democracy. I believe the latter is a more hopeful and powerful motivator. There has to be a way to channel this energy towards victory in November."

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This whole concept about President Biden "saving freedom and democracy" is hard to understand. What exactly has he done to do that?

How does the debacle at the border save our "freedom and democracy"?

The negative effects of his Executive Orders and his negligence are not even fully know yet, but will undoubtably last for a long, long time to come. I believe that very in this country have issues with Legal Immigration, but letting millions of unknown people come into this country illegally, infringes on the rights of all Legal U.S. Citizens. This issue alone will likely sink him, even against Trump.

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Not hard at all. By running against a convicted felon who vows to ignore the constitution and overturn elections, Biden automatically gets a credit for saving freedom and democracy. I agree that the full effect of his term as president remains to be seen, but my opinion is that he has worked to turn around a disturbing decline in U.S. industry and quality of life for the American middle class. I expect history will judge his administration to be a turning point from the gradual decline that began with Reagan's trickle down economics and Milton Friedman's declaration that corporations should only pursue shareholder value.

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28

You say President Trump "vows to ignore the constitution" but President Biden actually HAS ignored the constitution by failing to protect the States - See Article IV

"§4 The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened), against domestic Violence."

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Does January 6 qualify as 'Domestc Violence'?

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It certainly appears you took trumps bait hook line and sinker. Are you aware that they had put together a bipartisan border agreement that Trump told all of his Republican lackeys to vote against? Why? Because he has nothing else to say. Surely you noticed that whenever Trump was asked a question, whether it was about abortion or Jan.6 he went on a rant about “letting millions of prisoners and people from insane asylums into our country!” Had Trump not had the republicans in his pocket, there would be a better border policy.

Did you notice that Trump never talks about what his vision for our country is? It’s always gloom and dome, that we are a third world country and the rest of the world laughs at us. Well I certainly remember many times when Trump was president and leaders of other countries laughing at him. Of course he’s a narcissist so in his mind their laughter at him he took it to be laughing at our country. And who can forget him trying to massage Angela Markel’s shoulders, a truly cringe moment.

So why the subterfuge? Doesn’t Trump have a plan? Well here’s the scary part. Yes Trump has a plan, not his of corse, but drawn up by the ultra conservatives who want to bring their version of Christianity into government. Look up Project 2025. It is the instruction book on dismantling our government starting on day one if he is elected.

I urge you to read it because if you vote for Trump reading this handbook is the only way you will know what you are voting for.

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29

Last nights debate nor Donald Trump have anything to do with the problems that President Biden created at the border.

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An AI boy most likely wrote this from North Korea

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No, not actually.

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Jun 28Liked by Elliot Kirschner

From G7 attendees…to DJT? 
I’m sure the mental jaw drop to process what bs just came out of your debate opponent’s mouth probably looked like mental acuity issues but add a cold on top and Biden looked like a Rhodes Scholar to me!!! To even be on stage with a convicted sex offender and federal tax dodger must be a unique experience for the President of our USA. I love Biden and the other one gets all my thoughts and prayers💪

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Jun 28Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Last night’s debate wasn’t good for either candidate. Trump was at his lying best and faded to a weak old man by the end. Biden, never the greatest speaker, is instead a gifted worker. He’s old but produces positive results for the American people. Who would make the better president? Duh!!!

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Good post, and thank you. Biden had a bad night! Get over it! As usual tRump got a pass. HE NEVER ANSWERED THE QUESTIONS and LIED, LIED, LIED. Nothing was fact-checked! The headlines demonize Biden to ensure their piece gets read. It's 9 PM--a god forsaken hour to hold a debate and the time of night perfect for tRump because he’s a media person who has told the world that he doesn’t retire until well after the early hours of the morning. He probably got a great nap in because unlike Biden, he never had to work at a job. So, America, throw Biden under the bus because he didn't perform. What were we looking for? Biden answered the questions and gave the country the information that shows we're a working democracy, albeit a flawed one with the MAGA's in the House and the Supreme Court. Biden let the audience know that the U.S. has a plan for immigration but that the MAGA Republicans repudiated it because they were told to by, yep, you know who. The entire night, tRump wanted to instill panic over the border. The border. I live in Phoenix. I was born and raised in Texas. I love my Mexican heritage. I have family in Mexico. I have more fear of tRump and what his Maga commandos plan to do to democracy if tRump makes it to the white house. THIS band of thugs will run the country--tRump will be off golfing. All tRump will have to do is play the part of the man at the table of power, pound on the desk, throw bottles of Ketchup, grunt, spew out maledictions, until the next round of golf where he can go play because there will always be someone at his side ready to enforce his fascist Project 2025. Not one question about that either. Not that tRUMP would have answered. Remember, his entire plan revolves around immigration. This is how I saw the debate: tRump was as expected, (sigh) and was given a bow and a pass. Biden sidestepped sainthood, dammit, and he should pay for that! Crucify him!

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Jun 28Liked by Elliot Kirschner

I had most of the same reactions as you. I think it’s too late, though, to change candidates. One bad debate does not undo everything. Yes, he’s old. I get that. I’m 80 myself. It’s not optimal. And I am not with him on everything (as in Gaza and Israel), but he is decent, honest, sane whereas Trump is anything but. We cannot let him win. I think stay the course and do better. It’s still early days for a lot of the country to weigh in.

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Jun 28Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Without saying a word the outcome of the debate was prophesied by Joe’ s slow entrance to the stage. But I cant help but feel the system itself is what is broken, when candidates are only chosen for elect- ability, to gain power and not their abilities.

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Jun 28Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Very considerate. I believe that the answer to whether Joe Biden should continue running or not lies within the man himself. He should take a long hard look at himself and make a resposible decision. His record speaks for itself, however, will he be up to the task? Only he can answer that. He knows the road ahead. He has literally, a lifetime of experience in politics. He has always served the people of this country to the best of his ability. I know that the Democrats are cut from a different piece of cloth than the Republicans and they will ultimately rally to support and save our democracy tailored after an era that produced such great people as Socrates and Plato. Democrats know that Democracy can be hard to implement and difficult to carry, on but that is exactly why it s so formidable when it comes to resisting the ploys of would-be tyrants. We will always rally behind a leader that embodies the truths and principals of Democracy, whether it is, Joe Biden, or someone else. We should never succumb to the arrogant vicissitides of reasoning that pervaded the Third Riech and was the underlying source of action that created WW2. Regress or progress seems to be the choice at hand.

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I've heard the term that "all politics is local" as well as "all politics is personal." For me, the brouhaha that erupted over last evening's debate became very personal for me. I am eighty-seven and for almost all of those eighty-seven years, minus a few months, I've lived with the results of paralytic polio . . . just like FDR. In those eighty-seven years, I've learned that desire and determination can help me to achieve what I want and need as well as if my body responded to my commands. FDR was my childhood hero, and Biden is my adult hero. The losses that this man has encountered and survived are immense, but every time he faced an obstacle, he worked through it or around it, and he has been a truly remarkable and successful president in my opinion. The border/immigration issue hasn't been solved by any previous president, and Biden has proposed a solution that Trump nixed so that he could take credit.

The characteristics that I value in a leader of any sort are honesty, integrity, and perseverance. These values are evident in Biden, and they will be there when he takes office. No amount of orange makeup will reveal those values in Trump. Those of you who have written that Biden will, and does, surround himself with good people are right. I believe that Biden, given the opportunity, will go down in history as one of the most intelligent, vibrant, and morally good men every to grace the presidency.

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Jun 28Liked by Elliot Kirschner

I think the message that the Democrats need to pound hard is hey voter look at your own child or grandchild. How do you feel knowing that not voting for Joe Biden will guarantee they will have less rights then you currently have. This is not an either or race. Trump is nothing more than a paid carnival barker for the Ultra Conservative Christian Right. Joe might be a little slower on the draw, but he loves America and would never consider taking away any of your rights.

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Jun 28Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Yup. That’s it. That’s all. ❤️

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Jun 28Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Watching this process unfold from my home in Canada, I feel such a sense of helplessness. And impending doom. I truly hope the Democratic party makes a good decision and does it quickly.

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Jun 28Liked by Elliot Kirschner

President Biden should have started with “Lies by a convicted felon” and then he should have ignored Trump and just looked in the camera and answered the questions put to him by the moderators. His plans for the next term!! How his administration would help the American people. He got waylaid by Trumps lies and bravado!!

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