May 4Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Some are building remote compounds where they can escape the coming tides: water, migration, financial collapse, heat, death... as if they can escape human destiny in an overheated earth. The rest of us will plan, take action, to try to change that destiny.

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I often wonder where these elite owners of safe compounds are thinking they will go to get their ongoing food, water, supplies, fuel, and 24/7 electricity when their initial supply is depleted and they must venture forth into the collapse. It’s not like their shareholders will be at the fortified door being DoorDash.

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LOL It seems that lacking in reality doesn't it? A good anthropology class may help to learn about the nature of the beast... cooperators who cannot digest gold or cash.

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May 4Liked by Elliot Kirschner

"Only when the last tree has been cut down, the last fish caught, and the last stream poisoned, will we realize we cannot eat money."

- Osage saying, circa 1893

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Nice saying. Oh dear, clear back then! I hope the wise Osage were/are wrong. If we don't get busy planting trees and fish, and cleaning up the rivers and air, sequestering carbon, etc, etc... there will not be anyone here to realize what a beautiful Earth we destroyed.

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May 4Liked by Elliot Kirschner

I read that article yesterday. The map graphic really jumps out as the seriousness of the problem.

“At more than a dozen tide gauges spanning from Texas to North Carolina, sea levels are at least 6 inches higher [up to almost 9 inches] than they were in 2010 — a change similar to what occurred over the previous five decades.” [edit added]

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May 4Liked by Elliot Kirschner

A rising tide can swamp a boat tied to the wrong dock. Best to know how to read the tides and the currents if you plan to survive the coming storms.

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May 5Liked by Elliot Kirschner

In FL they call climate change "King Tides:". No problem, eh. Just wait for the tide do go down... until it doesn't.

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May 4Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Too many here in the south are like Scarlett: “I’ll think about that tomorrow.”

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May 4·edited May 4Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Every time I read about the rising oceans I think about Florida. Most of Florida is at what used to be sea level. And all the good ol' white boys refuse to admit that. What's worse a lot of the REAL base (not Homo sapiens) is limestone. Guess what the chemical composition is? Calcium carbonate - which readily dissolves in water forming sinkholes. Even when I lived there (December 1958 to April 1961) there would occasionally be sink holes appearing in major byways. AND the seas weren't rising then. So NO, DeSatan you can't raise Miami 20 or 30 feet to save your white skin.

While I was delighted to leave Florida for California, it had nothing to do with the ocean. I disliked the bugs, snakes, and weather (and being a snob, I hated their rupturing the English language). But I admit they had the most beautiful white sand beaches and a clear blue/green ocean, Lovely to swim.

Even that they destroyed, when I was there for a brief visit in 1989, those beautiful were contaminated with black gooey tar which stuck to your legs as you entered he ocean.

Now that they have become a full out dictatorial fascist State I detest them even more. The white people (I am also white) when I lived there were as racist as they come. Arriving from Eastern Canada, this was a cultural shock.

I am sorry for the innocents who will lose what worldly goods they have , and possibly even their lives, I have no sympathy for those of the MAGA, and/or fascist cult who adore the trumpster and desatan, they deserve what they get. Sorry I won't be around to see Mar a lago under water.

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May 4Liked by Elliot Kirschner

It lends a new sense of meaning to the Biblical reference to end times, no?

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May 4Liked by Elliot Kirschner

"As the article makes clear, it is the poorest and most marginalized that will suffer the most"

That's an appropriate template for allocation of resources and wealth. Just as this was a multi-use template in our recent past: "Racist housing practices like redlining have confined the most vulnerable in the region to many of the low-lying areas that will be most damaged by the rising waters. These areas are also frequently polluted."

There will be a moderate climate archipelago (perhaps ever shrinking) that the well-to-do can exploit, and I imagine that the financial, real estate, and security industries are studying the forecasts.`maps, and sovereignty issues.

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May 4Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Thank you Elliot, for your insights about climate. There is an old saw about death and taxes being certain (Franklin said it first). To this I would add change. Change, becoming different, is a given, in individuals, cultures, and life itself. Our world is endlessly transforming itself, for good and for ill. When we are fortunate enough to recognize that a negative change is occurring, we are given opportunities to rewrite the final chapter of events before the tides rise above our heads. A word to the wise should be plenty, at least we can continue to hope.

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May 4Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Just as historical tides shape human destinies, the rising tides of climate change are impacting present and future in profound ways. By acknowledging these parallels we must all draw attention to the urgency of addressing climate change as a pivotal lesson from the annals of history.

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Climate despair… How did we get so complacent?? I guess the seas have to pour into our living rooms, short circuit the WiFi and just drown us - maybe then we’ll take nature seriously.

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I had that with Hurricane Ian. We had 8 feet of gulf water tear apart our lower level where all the mechanicals of the house were located, plus the cars and a golf cart. We were lucky enough to spend this last winter in the house although we had people working and around the house almost every day. And hurricane season is fast upon us. Some days I think we were crazy to repair a house that could be destroyed again this year. Lightening does strike twice- just ask Lake Charles La. Then I remember the years we spent in this gulfside home since 1984. 2 major hurricanes but mostly vegetation damage. Ian shattered our complacency. I hope to spend my remaining winters on this barrier island but I do take nature seriously now.

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I hope and pray God spares me from such personal experiences. I’ll definitely take yr word for it!😩

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Climate despair, not gonna go there.

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If I were a few decades younger and a historian, I would research and study the the influence of climate change on cultural, social, economic, and political world history, perhaps starting with the "little ice age" of the 13th century. Not as a "climate change is always with us" denier but to get a handle on the kinds of change we can expect in the next decades. Who knows? Maybe we can scrape some mitigation or even benefits out of this crisis by looking at history.

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How many people have died from these rising sea levels?

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I would encourage you to pick up a copy of Thomas P.M. Barnett’s book, America’s New Map. He offers a very interesting look at the convergence of climate change and demographic collapse - a reordering of the global order.


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It’s fabulous, stimulating. A clear-eyed, grand, global, strategic vision of our future. It ain’t all bad if we embrace the changes required.

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How bout retreating from the seashore a little. Adaptation is the key for survival. It always has been. The arrogance of those who think they can control the weather/ climate knows no bounds. They would have us retreat to some sort of pre industrial existence to avoid having the very type of apocalyptic existence they are predicting!! Go figure!!?

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Free speech? Free to spread lies and misinformation! America's seeds of destruction are built right into its constitution. Until there are penalties for lying, nothing will save us.

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