Dear Elliot,

profoundly said.

As I approach my 77th year, I despair for human kind and the future of humanity. I have a teacher and friend who said that wars will end when the wars that rage within each of us end; no small task. It remains for those of us who have made some progress to serve as examples, peer to peer, of human beings who have sought that inner peace, met it and made it our own; if we can do,it so can they. Since we live in a world where rewards are such strong motivators, then let the reward of inner peace, joy and love shine bright.

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You nailed it, Elliot. People like Netanyahu, Trump, Khomenei, Putin, Kim, Xi, Orban, et al. Never, ever, think about the civilians, including children, or non-combatants, Their warped brains. can not see beyond ME, ME, ME. Netanyahu and Trump have both committed bloodless crimes, that are none the less heinous, and fight (including killing) to keep their worthless carcasses out of jail. Their equally worthless sycophants aid and abet all the way.

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Reciprocal maintenance of any and everything requires consideration of service to at least three levels of nested worlds: Me ) We ) Many ). It is from healthy larger worlds we receive nourishment. Some political leaders seem to believe self-serving is possible... it goes against how things work... it is not sustainable... thus the most vulnerable suffer first and the most. Eventually the system collapses, everyone/everything suffers.

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I am reminded of "Man's Search for Meaning" by Frankl, worth re-reading in these challenging times.

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Thank you father for this moving piece. As a child myself I thank you for preserving my childhood and to make the transition to adulthood as smooth as possible. I thank you for always educating Helena and I on our profound privilege in life; while letting us grow up in our world where we are sheltered by the death and disparity that plagues so many people our age.

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I love that you comment on your father's essays. Somebody is raising you right.

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Thank you Eva. Mom and I love you and Helena so much. We are so proud of you both.

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I don’t know why I’ve thought of your writing as an opinion column- probably my own tendency to think in political terms. But you’re really writing essays, musings on life that events, personal and social provoke in you This one was particularly touching, and it made me both hopeful and so sad. Once again, you’ve touched that nerve that connects us all to one another. Thanks, Elliot

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Essays, yes, prize-winning ones to my mind.

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Thank you Paula

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It’s such a travesty. I hoped we wouldn’t leave this mess to our children and their children. The world is getting more violent unfortunately…. and unfortunately our country continues along a violent path whether for survival, money or righteousness…. we can’t stay out of the fray for good reason or not… I fear our generation and that of our children and theirs won’t see the end of it.

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I remember not so long ago seeing a photo of two young boys (I would guess about 7 years old) who were close friends … one lived in Israel and one lived in Palestine. It was a beautiful picture and I wanted to hug both of them because what I saw in that photo was the future … that two children could turn everything around. I saw that their countries could bond and respect one another in friendship through those two children. I know … it was just a dream but every time I think of them I am overwhelmed by what they represented and ask, why not? ❤️🙏

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The children are the World's Future

Their innocence has to be preserved as long as possible

The sad truth is that so many children are affected by hate, abuse, horrors and war ...

How there can be hope for children taken from young age and abused on a daily basis to become tough, raised and taught to hate other human beings, being indoctrinated to become killing machines ...

We have to stop all these atrocities from happening

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So true....but that's why I have been so discouraged reading about how the young people are not interested or going to vote next month. THAT is another tragedy. How can they think that it won't me any difference????

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My heart hurts for all the children affected by war. So sad

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Years ago I taught children in Gaza. Some of them have been killed.

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It is all so hard to put into words, but you were able to express exactly the way I feel every time I see humans being so hateful to one another. However, seeing what they do to innocent babes and children is SO WRONG! How does someone justify the death of such innocent beings!? Their is NO JUSTIFICATION!

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Elliot, thank you for today's Through the Fog. It's such an apt title today, since for the children of war-torn areas, life is a fog. How do those who saw parents, friends, family members, and unknown people die in all the awful ways people die in war make their peace with the realities of their lives? How do they move through the fog of the many different deprivations from which they're suffering now and will continue to suffer throughout their lives? What hope do we have for peace today and moving forward when the desire for revenge is all too often a consequence of seeing one's home, one's neighborhood, one's environment decimated? Inevitably in life, each of us has periods of fog through which we must move, but those of us who've never lived in a war zone are fortunate to never have had to breathe and see through the fog of dust and debris that the bombing, shooting, fires, and land-mines -- part and parcel of war -- create. Today's anniversary is such a sad one for all in the Middle East who are affected by terrorism, however one defines it. May the memory of all the children be blessings.

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Thank you, Elliot, for your heart-rending and life-affirming words. You do so enrich my life. I find myself remembering the Carpenters song "Bless the beasts and the children," which says in part "give them shelter from a storm, keep them safe, keep them warm."

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Thank you Elliot for another touching piece that shows your heartfelt grief for those children touched by horrific tragedies, wars and natural disasters, and hopeful optimism for the children you care for at home and in the homes of your readers.

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Great writing Elliot , on a very sad and solemn day . peace to you

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Jesus said, "Suffer the little children to come unto me." Not because they were last or least in a hierarchy, but because they belong to us.

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Just heartbreaking and so true. Today, on the first anniversary of the horrific attack by Hamas, I was listening to the news and heard an update of the number of civilians killed. There is no justification for the slaughter! It must be stopped.

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