Apr 9Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Well said! I could not agree more with your assessment. What seems so obvious seems to elude many!

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Thank you, Pat.

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Apr 9Liked by Elliot Kirschner

The press equals oxygen….if they would stop talking so much about him, he would hang himself, just for the attention.

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Amen! Well said!

I just do not understand why Trump is getting so much attention from the media.

When a toddler has a temper tantrum, the time tested way to stop them is to take away the audience. The same can be said for an unhinged narcissist.

If the press suddenly went silent , not only in newspapers, but TV, podcasts, YouTube, X, etc, all Trump would be left with is the echo chamber of his Truth Social bullshit.

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I've been saying this since 2017. The MSM should quit pandering to his need for attention. Just ignore him and his tirades for a few days or weeks and see what happens.

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Elliott, this is the best description of today's "used to be news" media, I have read. Their only loyalty is to the corporate owners of the media for whom they report. As I said on Steady, they go to bed each night with the thought "Oh, well another day, another one million dollars".

As to Trump, you are spot on. The Congressional Magats can boast all they like about the jobs, highways, infrastructure, and green energy - the record shows they voted against those Democratic bills. Any Democrat running against any one of them just needs to print it out to show the constituents how they tried to prevent any legislature that supported the constituents instead of the uber-wealthy.

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Excellent response to another one of Elliot’s excellent pieces!

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It is appalling that the press legitimizes TFG in any way. He has no policy ideas. His “long shot plan” to solve the Ukrainian war is to let Putin have his way with our ally, a sovereign country that Russia invaded!!! Trump is a Putin ally and has said that he plans to be “a dictator” from day one. He wants to jail his opponents—the press, those who stood up to him in Congress, former staffers and cabinet members who have spoken out against him. He cares not about our country and sees being President as a way to stay out of jail. His autocratic ideas are a way to stay in power. This horrible man has shown us who he is.

How can The Washington Post not see this??

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Trump provides easy stories and easy money. Rinse…Repeat!

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I think we have to look at the consolidated ownership of so many of our media outlets, the political stance of the owners, and the slant they impose on the news they broadcast. Are they due for anti-trust lawsuits along with Google and Apple?

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Right on target, Elliot. One of the key elements of government is crafting policy, from garbage collection to bridge construction. Like most US citizens I want to use medicine that has been proven to be safe, potable water, safe transportation, banking with integrity, an electoral grid that is reliable, and hundreds of other items that government officials have created policy to protect. The GOP policy appears to be infighting and attempting to sabotage policies that keep us safe and secure. Here's an example: My mother's younger brother died at six months of age because of improperly canned milk. The policies of the FDA make this tragedy much less likely. No policy makes for chaos and confusion that impinges on our lives.

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8 years and the press has yet to “wise up”. Reporting the news objectively isn’t profitable. $$$ talks. That’s all that matters.

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Supporting the truth and attacking the lies would seem to be a good option for the media.

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Thank you Elliot for calling out Trump’s “no concrete policy” Presidential Campaign. As incoherent are his rallies speeches, it no wonder he cannot formulate policies and talk about them. His state of mind is not a problem to his enablers who have already formulated plans for a second Trump Administration such as the Heritage Foundation 2025 plan. The main media needs to call him out with the type of probing questions that Biden receives.

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Exactly! I was typing the same exact thing. The media needs to give it a break! He's the star clown in the circus ring but who IS the ring master? He goes off script on tirades sometimes and then gets reeled back in, but he's just not that smart and the idea of him making policies. Please!

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Are they finally learning, as jointly attributed to Abraham Lincoln and P.T Barnum (although with Trump and the current Republican controlled House, P.T. Barnum is the better fit). “You can fool some of the people all of the time, All of the people some of time, But you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.”

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Thank you for speaking clear truth regarding this abomination on our mental health and democratic hopes! Always appreciate your narratives.

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The corporate owned press is just as bad as Trump. It comes down to the almighty dollar.

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I am sending this good article of yours and the following one to a number of friends and the latter to some of TFG's followers as well. There is strength in numbers and I am in the recruiting mode.


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Of course he won’t support a nationwide ban on abortion because I’m willing to wager that he has paid some women in his past that he impregnated to end their pregnancies. I was in NY in the 70s and 80s when he was a skirt chasing scum. Imagine if some of them came out of the woodwork.

I like your analogy that he sees himself as the North Star. I always thought he thought of himself as the sun in the solar system. Totally self centered and interested only in staying out of jail and protecting his money. You want to get to a guy, go after his money.

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Yes, that was a real dupe of the press that he pulled off yesterday. They seem to not be able to help themselves. Why would we believe a word that man utters?

Rachel Maddow really came down hard on the MSM last night, and in her usual well said way she castigated them for their vulnerability to his ploys. It was as well meant and respectful of the press as she could be, but it was damning. II hope that it, and all the other criticism of their solicitous responses, will serve as a wakeup call to the media that they need to try harder and do better.

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