Yes weird, and well, seriously mentally ill and in a clinically obvious cognitive decline….all of which make him a very big NO for the Presidency of the United States.

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I agree on all of this. And I think the Harris campaign will use "weird" as an onramp to all the other criticisms.

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Weird is fine, but it is innocent-sounding. Creepy and evil work better for me, but okay. I can see it.

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Creepy and evil description of Trump works for me too.

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It must be weird-o (or weirdo). Weird is derived from the word Wyrd, as in the Wyrd sisters, the three witches in Shakespeare's Macbeth, who wove the thread of life, measured the thread of life, and cut the thread of life. As Wyrd, they conformed to the notion of the ancient Fates. They upheld the convention. But weirdo-o suggests not only the ability to determine the fates of others, but also the perverted and harmful way to do so. Yup. Trumpists are weirdos because they enjoy breaking conventions in an unnatural, dare I say, weird, way?

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i agree......weird ....in the world today we are used to weird....not strong enough.

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Yes creepy weirdness!

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“Weird and creepy” is better IMHO. It scans better— in other words it “it falls more trippingly off the tongue.” 😉

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I think you will hear those words together. It's also in the way it's said, "well that's just weird."

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Ok, I see that. So I guess there might be a gendered aspect to my preference, because as a woman, he strikes me as utterly creepy all the time, whether or not doing/saying something weird. Most women I know offer “creepy” as their main descriptor. It always comes up when he’s the topic. Because he’s like that ridiculously self-assured but utterly boring guy you met who hit on you in a super gross way and then raped you when he realized he was not getting anywhere.

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Just have an animated word wheel: "Trump is (spinning word wheel pauses briefly on) "Weird"; "Creepy"; "Gross"; "Malignant", etc., adding as many accurate adjectives as will fit.

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I forgot to include "Unfit".

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yeah......that says a huge amount, I like that.

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crazy may be better........but again, that can have a gd interpretation too

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That was my thought: he’s creepy and gross, but yeah, OK, I’ll take weird. BUT Mr Kirshner’s piece made me laugh so hard, that I realized, yeah, he IS weird!!! But I agree, he’s the gross, creepy guy who hits on you, clueless, you’re running for the door…

As usual Mr Kirshner, this was delightfully brilliant, and I’ll never see that slogan the same again; it’ll always make me laugh. And I’ve got language to help the doubters. Great perspective! Thanks again!!!

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Thank you! Feel free to call me Elliot, if you wish.

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Thank you, Elliot. 🙏🏻😊

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Johnny Depp and others...have made weird ok.

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Weird is also associated with ineffective weakness, whereas creepy conveys a sort of malignant power. Calling him weird more effectively strips him of psychological power.

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Yeah, I like creepy too. Also “nauseating”, weird, creepy nauseating fool”… he really does nauseate me.

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Which is exactly what happened with Stormy Daniels. So yeah the shoe fits.

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Weird in the sense that no intelligent, thinking person would say the things he says, and apparently believes.

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Like Geo. W said after Trumps inauguration address - “That was some weird shit!”

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Actually this does work! Four syllables - Weird and Cree-py! Weird and Cree-py! Can be chanted over and over by a crowd! I like it!

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I Love It!

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Whatever the slogan, follow it by his favorite saying, "everybody knows it."

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You could add dance steps to that!!! Being a Democrat is fun again!!!

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I think what's difficult here is that we have all been raised to be polite and not call people names! Yet, this works, in the simple way that fighting fire requires using more fire. "Wierd" implies off-center; it implies an isolated otherness that is repulsive. Harris knows what she is doing. She is a worthy opponent to this man who has made so much trouble for so long, unchallenged. Go, Kamala! We are with you.

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Harris and the Democrats are using. It's so accurate and descriptive of him I am surprised we haven't been using it all along. The truth has always been that the thing he hates most is to be laughed at and insulted personally. So we need to perpetually pick on him, and get under his skin to keep him off balance and sputtering as he's been this past week.

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Yeeees!!! Make as much fun of him as possible. LAUGH A LOT. WE KNOW HE ABSOLUTELY HATES BEING LAUGHED AT!!! LAUGH! LAUGH! LAUGH!!

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yes, yes, and yes. Unlike idiot slogans like "defund the police" this one hits right in the belly ACCURATELY. You can extend it to some of his hypocrisies> Trump is a weird kind of Christian. Trumps understanding of tariffs is weird. Trump's going on about more tax breaks is weird since the last one didn't do what he said it would. Trump's going on about a wall that Mexico clearly will not pay for is weird.

"Evil" puts people off, particularly those on the fringe of the cult. Weird makes you ask questions--in what way do they mean he is weird? Why is his understanding of tariffs weird? And so on.

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wacko works

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No, I like the invitation to investigation in weird. It has a sense of puzzlement to it that more purely derogatory statements lack.

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good point........and I agree

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Then again, is it better to be weird than feared? If so, I can see him taking possession of weird. A lot of us are worried about about the 2025 plan. Trump can handle it with two words "yeah, weird".`Trump has a severely adulterated mendacity gene (3049FRKLHV2094X3) that prevents him from telling the truth any time he speaks in public, or to the media. And according to his aids, that is what makes him seem so weird. In private they can't get him to put the bible down - weird.

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If his weird involved green antennae if might be a plus. There's weird wow and weird icky. That's why it helps to stick a modifier or two on the word. "weird on tariffs."

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Trump IS weird and creepy.

On the other hand, Vance is creepy and weird so it balances out.

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That made me snort-laugh!

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Totally! He’s the loudest kid on the playground that never goes 5’ away from his 6th grader bodyguard. The minute Anyone stands up to him, he buckles like Biff in back to the Future. 2 coats Biff!

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As a retired teacher and principal of an intermediate school, I love the playground bully analogy! It SO fits him, but he really doesn't have the bodyguard right there at him. He has the support, he knows, but no one is right there pumping him up. It's the knowledge that he can write on Truth Social in all caps (and as Liz Chaney says, screams in all caps) that he's confident he has those bodyguards out there in the House Chamber etc. applauding any sick thrashing about he does and always taking up for him. Petulant child!

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He is going to lose big time!

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I was just sitting here thinking, "Harris is going to win." I had the same thought in 2020. "Biden is going to win." And he DID and Kamala WILL WIN in November!

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Say that again! May the whole UNIVERSE hear you!! YEEEEEEEES!!!

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It’s a good idea because anything harsher makes people not listen. Subtlety drop weird into convos with donalds pals and see if it makes them think.

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gd point....hmmmmmm

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He’s at the far and not at all funny side of weird!

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thats why there needs to be another word to locate it on the spectrum....

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Weird is an understatement but one his followers understand.

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What I like about it is... Yeah, that's weird... It feels dismissive..dismissing Trump. Next!

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Trump is weird. His obsession with a fictional character, Hannibal Lecter is weird. His inability to figure out that Lecter is weird. I wish there were a word that was stronger than just "weird." Maybe "Uber-weird?"

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I love this! It just puts out there very simply that what he does and says is so outside the norm. I think the problem with him is that people have been normalizing everything he says. So it becomes a new “normal” - and therefore acceptable, frustrating as that is to the rest of us. Weird just puts it back outside the realm of normalcy and makes it sound far out and irrational.

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It hits the target without sounding mean or nasty.

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Yes......but when it comes to that inhuman piece of caca, I prefer mean and nasty. I like to call a spade a spade.

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Oops - what just happened to the long-standing motto of my hometown - Keep Austin weird? Oh well, the Repubs never liked it that way anyhow

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There's good weird — as in Austin. And creepy weird, which tends to come with a fake tan and hair.

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