Beautiful, Elliot Kirschner. I thank you, Joe Biden. I always felt safe with you in office. But even though I've been behind Biden 100%, I have to be realistic and persistent. Now is the time to punch hard and focus on the dangers of the Republican candidates. Democrats must pound on DJT's deterioration, mental and physical. If the Republicans win, this country will be run by every one of the pro-fascist minions that are behind DJT. As Trump deteriorates, as he will, he will only be a figurehead, albeit one with power. It will be his cabinet and all the yes-people he brings into his web of deceit that will run this country. If we thought it difficult to remove ourselves from the DJT cancer of today, it will be almost impossible if he wins the highest office in this country. We'll be like all the third-world countries with their dictators and power-hungry men. Shame will be our legacy.

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I think Donald Trump is a horrible person who should be nowhere near the Presidency. But do you have any idea how incredibly sleazy it sounds to hear, for weeks, that an old man you liked was in perfectly great shape. That, in fact, questioning his fitness was ageism a d an affront to to older folks, and then, when that man gives up, to have those same people turn around and yell about how the other guy is too old?

There are so many things to slam Donald Trump on. So many. SO MANY! And you’re going to choose the one that you lied about when it was your guy? Even if it's true that DJT is too old and infirm for this office (and I believe it is!) you are just destroying your own credibility.

You're a liar, like Trump.

As Lemmy from Motorhead said, this is worse than a crime. It's a mistake.

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So well considered and brilliantly stated

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Jul 21Liked by Elliot Kirschner

I have not been this heartbroken about a candidate since the assassination of Bobby Kennedy.

Choose Decency becomes more important than ever.

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Jul 21Liked by Elliot Kirschner

YES!!!! We got this! Go BLUE!!!

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Yes. Whoever is the candidate, we better stand with him or her. We have a cult that wants to push America back to the 50s…and beyond.

New candidate, same mission: Beat Trump, make sure Project 2025 NEVER becomes law.

And MSM needs to START talking about Project 2025 right now. It needs more public exposure!

Here’s something for the underinformed: "The People’s Guide to Project 2025" 👇


This "Reject Project 2025" t-shirt is great, too 👇



Let’s get to work. We have a Democracy to save.

Blue no matter who!

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Jul 21Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Joe Biden showed the world how much he loves America. The Republicans have just lost their mind over this. Now if Kamala has a sense of humor she will throw out Hilary as a possible running mate. Just a thought.

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Jul 21Liked by Elliot Kirschner

What a great decision for the USA by president Joe Biden (even though he was pushed).I believe this is the best chance for Trump to be dumped into the dustbin of history as a convicted felon and a man found guilty of Sexual assault and sleeping with another woman while his wife was bearing his child!

What an awful example of a human being, TRUMP is!

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Jul 21Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Love this, Elliot! The other side only gives lip service to unity. Joe Biden just provided an unimpeachable example of it.

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??? Biden said unequivocally that he was not leaving, party masterminds like pelosi were threatening Biden behind the scenes, Biden resigned via tweet and electronic signature without bothering to hold a press conference, and you're suddenly going off about unity? How much of this is displacement?

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As I have said elsewhere, the time for recriminations will be later. The present moment demands unity. We must quickly decide on who the Democrat candidate will be and *most importantly* get behind and work for that person with all we have. Nobody can afford to sit this one out or vote 3rd party.

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Jul 21Liked by Elliot Kirschner

‼️‼️ Game ON‼️

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Jul 21Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Thank you for being a voice or reason, maturity, and honesty. I tried to watch the Republican convention but because of all the gaslighting and “broadway showmanship”:(conning, flimflamming, deceiving, duping, cheating, misleadingly, misinforming, , lying, hoodwinking, bamboozling, hornswoggling, gazumping, and swindling) I had to turn it off. Watching the crowd being so manipulated made me extremely sad. If someone made a movie of the events of this past 31/2 years, it would have bombed because it would not be believable enough, yet here we are. Truth is stranger than fiction, On the one hand, I still am having trouble accepting that we have been in the grips of multiple ways to take over American democracy, and with the latest Supreme Court revelations and rulings it could happen, and having hope that the American people will see through the oligarchy takeover, rebel, and vote in huge numbers electing a Democratic President, House, Senate and local officials. They must then demand that they do better for the common good of our country, our fellow species members living in all countries, and the environment. Better to live in hope.

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Wait. Wasn't it Democrats like you who were told to go out and attack anyone who questioned Biden's fitness, and now you're just going along with the latest scripted party line that were told to you by people you have proof were lying to you before?

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Greg, ???????????????

No one told me to attack anyone, your comment makes no sense, It sounds more like you are going along with Trumps scripted party line. Gaslighting is a Republican thing.

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Lol. Projection isn't a defense -or an attack.. Youve been gaslit on the regular for years now. Why after all of these false media stories you believed do you think that this time they surely aren't lying?

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Jul 21Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Game on!! I hope this energizes and refocuses all of us!!

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Jul 21Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Great choice of words. We now have time to come together again in a huge force of strength!

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Jul 21Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Yes. 😢 Such a good human.

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Multiple definitions for the word unity. Love it! ❤️

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Jul 22Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Once again you spell out where we are and what we need to do! Thank you, and thankful we have President Biden for the last 31/2 years and another 6 months! Let’s rally for Kamala and Democracy to prevail.

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Jul 21Liked by Elliot Kirschner

We are not American, but Canadian. However, we love Joe Biden, and were hoping he would pass the torch of democracy to allow another member of his Party to replace him. He deserves so much respect for his decision to step aside. Now someone else, a powerful personalty, will be capable of withstanding the horror of dealing with a lying, convicted, shameless, climate change denying Republican loudmouth.

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Jul 23Liked by Elliot Kirschner

He passed the torch in loving way

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Jul 21Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Yes, unity is the way to move forward. Unity is a deliberate choice. I choose unity!!!

I could only tolerate small amounts of the RNC but the insanity, the lack of integrity, the childish mockery, and the total lack of professionalism was more than enough to keep me determined to choose unity.

Fight for Unity and positivity to save the democracy of the UNITED States of America🙏🏽🕊

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