Mar 23·edited Mar 23Liked by Elliot Kirschner

There is no abdominal cancer that occurs in a 42 y.o. woman that is "favorable" in prognosis, when compared to cancers that can be easily identified with routine screening (breast, cervical, skin). They tend to produce non-specific symptoms and are often discovered in later stages, particularly in young, vigorous individuals who "shouldn't" have cancer as a cause of seemingly benign symptoms. The context in which we should regard this news is one of a young mother with small children, who face the stark reality of potentially losing their mother in early life, irrespective of their status in society. This is nothing less, or more, than a tragedy and one that could play out over months to years, awkwardly and painfully at least partly in the public eye. With this kind of diagnosis, one may achieve remission, but seldom can one be assured of a cure until many years have passed. Indeed, we are cruel when it comes to individuals of public notoriety , who cannot completely compartmentalize their private and public lives. Our prurient interest trumps their right to privacy. Withdrawal into seclusion is not a solution, as they are relentlessly pursued by people and institutions driven by the potential for profit and notoriety of their own. What can I do from afar? Send up a little prayer, donate to a cancer-cure institution, not feed the paparazzi machine...

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Mar 23Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Elliot as a mom I have to say you are the kind of son who makes their mom proud. You are a kind, compassionate adult and a role model for younger men. Prayers for all who are experiencing cancer patients and families.

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I can only hope that it was caught in an early and totally curable stage. And having to live with it publicly has got to be a horror. Cancer is a very scary word to hear. I know first hand; I’ve been there. It changes you, probably forever.

As you say, the vitriol and conspiracy theories and other lame comments that people come up with are disgusting. At least we can take comfort in knowing that she has access to the finest medical care. Not everyone has that. Think of all the people that have to go to clinics and wait months for appointments or find that their insurance doesn’t cover certain procedures. Another version of the sweat inducing nightmare. Let’s hope that the Princess is cured quickly and completely.

And thank you Elliott for acknowledging that “women and marginalized groups” get more negative reactions and comments than the privileged white male.

Get well soon, Kate!

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Mar 23Liked by Elliot Kirschner

You are a decent human being. Thank you for taking a step forward on this. I hope some day, people will somehow learn to follow suit.

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Mar 23Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Today you speak for all humanity of honor.

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Mar 23Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Thank you, Elliot. Your kindness, compassion, and decency are very much appreciated.

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Mar 23Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Thank you for this. Such a tragedy that she had to suffer on top of suffering.

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Mar 23Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Having had cancer I wish her well. It is a horrible disease , with treatments that can be just as bad if not worse. I pray they have caught it early and wish her a full recovery. Though as a going on 5 year survivor a tiny bit of concern still exists.

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Amen. This post is a beautiful prayer.

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Mar 23Liked by Elliot Kirschner

I agree completely. I also assume that there were many like myself that watched this news evolving over the months, were puzzled by the fascination with Kate and disinterested in joining.. and said nothing. Is there any value is speaking up ? No one knew the truth … so speaking up amounts to simply naysaying all the negatively with no facts behind. I’m not convinced that is very effective either. I have come to believe that the best antidote is to limit one’s time with social media and am happy to notecthat an NPR story today was about parents who don’t allow social media in their homes ( at least the more invasive, gossip-mindering types).

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Mar 23Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Thank you, Elliot, for writing this. I agree. I sent this message to my daughters earlier today, “Now, I hope all of those who have been harassing this poor woman and her family will apologize!”

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I omitted one thing last night….,so what if she photo shopped a picture. I know “legit journalism” has rules and regulations about photos being doctored, again so what. They made a mistake. Move on. But the press and hence the public dwelling on it for several weeks, that’s totally uncalled for and only adds more anxiety to what she is going through.

Let’s move on and just wish her a full and speedy recovery. Ring that bell, Kate.

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Thanks for giving this air time. It is unfortunate and I could not imagine sitting for a 2 min video to apologize for being absent when in fact she is going through chemo. Classy girl, but she has much more tenacity and good will than I could ever have in a situation like this. We all need to stop giving social media so much air time. Get off your iPads and phones and enjoy the life you have while you are here. Thanks Elliot!

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I deeply regret to observe that there will be no public accounting, no contrition whatsoever, in the reporting media for what has transpired in this tragic, painful situation.

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Mar 23Liked by Elliot Kirschner

💯 % agree with you write up!!

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Mar 23Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Well said

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