
If anyone is so inclined to look back at my archives of 100 posts, you can find it here: https://elliotkirschner.substack.com/archive

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Sep 15Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Congratulations on 100 wonderful and welcome messages! You have provided clarity and comfort to me so many times. My best to you.

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Sep 15Liked by Elliot Kirschner

YOU are a tremendous source of inspiration and joy each time I read Through the Fog. We seem rather like minded so, my thoughts are not changed much by your writing. Rather, your writings give me a feeling of sanity in this all too chaotic world. Thank you Elliot and congratulations on THIS, your 100th piece.

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I wish I had said exactly that Deborah, you have expressed my thoughts about Through the Fog without me having to do it! Thank you!

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Added this to my Home Screen for future reading! Thanks again for your writings!

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Sep 15Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Hey you in the fog! I'm not one to write comment - but you deserve to know from a quiet reader that your writing is more than worth reading. Thank you and - keep going.

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I agree! Like you, I rarely comment but enjoy and learn from Elliot’s stories and outlook. Keep them coming!

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Sep 15Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Congratulations on 100! I’ve enjoyed every one of them. I like the variety of topics you’ve chosen and I look forward to being surprised when the next one lands in my inbox. I also really appreciate some of your more personal posts, and I imagine those are the hardest to send out into the world. Here’s to 100 more! 🎉

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Sep 15Liked by Elliot Kirschner

I share virtually every Through the Fog with all six of my political platforms on FB, and I can't thank you enough for putting into such eloquent writing, my thoughts on so many subjects and further my education on so many more. Thank you!

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Sep 15Liked by Elliot Kirschner

I think that waypoints, where we pause to assess where we have been and where we are going, are important. Anniversaries, multiples of ten, circumnavigations, all help us gain perspective on the journey. Like you, I find that writing helps create clarity out of confusion whether anyone reads it or not. You write with clarity, humor, self deprecation and humility, easy qualities with which to identify. I hope you’ll keep it up!

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Sep 15Liked by Elliot Kirschner

I don't follow many writers on substack, who has the time. Heather Cox Richardson, Robert Reich, L.M. Sacasas, and you. I'd say you are in pretty good company.

Love your perspective, reasoned and reasonable. And love your description of your process. Like you, careful, thoughtful, speech in the heat of the moment eludes me.; only by writing can I make sense of my fractured thoughts.

Congrats on 100, I look forward to many more.

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Sep 15Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Elliot, from my perspective, you have followed path you set out to travel, and we are the fortunate beneficiaries. My consumption of blogs has narrowed in the past year, and digestion of such even less. What I read here gives me good contact with fundamental goings-on along with humanity and hope. Love the name and your reminder of how this started.

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I'm one of your quiet readers and your offerings are at the top of my most appreciated posts. Congrats on 100 and here's to 100 more, at least. Your work has helped make all the nonsense clearer and me more able to keep on reading...and learning. So thank you!

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What a great milestone! We are here, at least I am, to hear what you have to say and sometimes, respond. Some of us are written, some are great at spoken word. Some of us are brilliant composers and some us dance. But not all of us share. So, thank you, Elliot, for sharing your thoughts and words so brilliantly that we come back for more!

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Sep 15Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Glad you decided -- nay, felt compelled -- to share your worthwhile voice here, Elliot. Rest assured the dog-paddling turns wandering thoughts into a smooth flow that's inviting, refreshing and sometimes bracing. I enjoy the immersion.

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Love your writing Elliot all of it, Through the FOG is one of the most interesting newsletters here on Substack. The variety of topics and your personal essays are so welcome in this crazy chaotic world, your writing a welcome reprieve! Onto the next 💯!💙

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Sep 15Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Your writings, along with a few others, are typically a bright spot in sometimes very gray “foggy” days. I appreciate your perspective and your honesty and your perseverance!

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Sep 15Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Thank YOU!! I enjoy your commentary and appreciate your insight.

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Sep 15Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Congratulations!🎈I’ve enjoyed reading your thoughts, which often mirror mine, over this time. Please continue to share with us.

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Mazel tov. I have found my way through the fog often through your thoughtful and honest posts. Thank you.

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Sep 15Liked by Elliot Kirschner

Congratulations 🎉 on 100 with anticipation of the next hundred, Elliot!

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